E-66 † And oh, how superstition. And them coming to the platform; couldn't even speak their own language. But the Holy Spirit would tell them who they were and where they come from, and about their diseases, and what they had done, and what--what church they went to, what kind of religion they had. They set and wondered.
After a while, came along a blind man, totally blind, one that went through. God never showed nothing about him, just told him what was his trouble. And the next one come through... Remember, you can't do it. It has to be God.
E-67 † The next one come through was a man about, maybe younger than I. And it told him that he was a worshipper of the sun. His eyes was white as my shirt.
The mayor of Bombay, and men, the celebrities... I had a airplane ticket in my hand, to be interviewed by the president of India and the Prime Minister Nehru, which was going this fall... He'd promised a million people to meet at Delhi. And then I couldn't get in and out of the place, hardly.
And here this blind man was standing here. I said, "Now, I cannot help the man. There's nothing I can do. But if Jesus, the resurrected Christ, has rose from the dead, then He knows the man. He knows all about him. He can tell me," I said, "like He has these other people. But you're setting out there with a question in your mind. 'Am I reading the people's minds? Is it mental telepathy?'"
I said, "That's the same devil they had in the beginning. I can't expect... If it wasn't that way, I'd be scared myself." You got to have opposition, then you know you're on the battle front.
Then when the man come there, I looked, and by the grace of God, there come a vision over him of the man seeing. Then I put a challenge to them, when I'd seen the vision. I knowed he was going see then. God done said so.
I said, "Gentlemen of the religions of this world..." Not my brethren. They're not. I said, "Here's a man. The Holy Spirit has told him he was a married man, had children, and where he come from, how he made his living, everything, and told him he was a worshipper of the sun. He's been blind for twenty years." I said, "Is there doctor would like to examine him?"
E-68 † Don't make any difference. God's done said so. The Father has done spoke and it's got to be done. Watch it in the meetings. All heavens and earth will change, but it'll never change. That's right. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It ain't nonsense. It ain't tomfoolery. It's the Bible made manifest.
And the man stood there. I said, "Now, do you, who claim to be... You said today that your bible started before Genesis, and your prophets was before Moses, and so forth. Now, I... If this is a human..." And I said, "He's a man, and you'll say he's done wrong by worshipping the sun. You want him to come over and worship a cow, or do some other religion, worship Buddha, or Mohammedan, or something on that order." I said, "We got the same thing in America. It's nothing in the world but human psychology."
E-69 † I said, "The Methodists wants to make all the Baptists Methodists. The Baptists wants to make all the Methodists Baptists. The Pentecostals wants all the Nazarenes and Pilgrim Holiness to be Pentecost, and vice versa. And Catholics wants to make them all Protestants, and Protestants, vice versa. That's the way it is. It's psychology. What does it do for you? Changes your thinking."
I said, "We can produce that. We got it all through America, only thank God, one God." But I said, "Now, If God is a God of the living, if God is a God of the Creator, surely if the man's been ignorantly wrong, he's looked at the sun till he's gone blind, surely the Creator can do something for him if he will get straightened out right."
E-70 † I said, "Now, I challenge you to come forward to the platform and produce something." And everybody was very quiet. Sure. I said, "But let it be known; neither can I. I'm just a man. But I saw a vision. I saw a vision of the man. He's going to receive his sight."
I said, "I wouldn't nothing say that at all. Why didn't I say it to the other blind people that passed by? Or... I said, "Because it wasn't God. God didn't tell me nothing. Only thing I could do was just what He told me. He told me what they was, and what they should do, and all like that, but He never said nothing about it. But now He showed me this man's going to receive his sight."
I said, "If this blind man will receive his sight, how many of you will accept Jesus as your personal Saviour, and forsake all your idols and everything else?" As far as I could see for, looked like, well, far as the flood lights would reach, them little black hands reaching up.
And I took the man over there, and said, "Dear Lord Jesus, Thou knowest..." They won't interpret your prayer, of course not. So I said, "I--I know that it's helpless. And I know that Your Word can't fail. This is Your Word first, of course. Only this would be secondarily. But You haven't said individually to this man, but You've said it through Your Word now by a vision. And Your same Holy Spirit that said, 'I do nothing except the Father shows Me...' And You're raised from the dead, and You're here."
E-71 † And I said, "I pray Thee for the glory of God, that the people might know that they're in wrong and in darkness, that You'll give this blind man his sight in the Name of the Lord Jesus."
I took my hands down, and he let out a scream and grabbed me around the waist. He could see as good as you can, anybody that's in here can see. He run over the platform. He grabbed the mayor, I got his ticket right here in my pocket of--of Bombay, of Boham... or was... I believe he was a Mohammedan? Yes. And grabbed him, and begin to hug him; and people screaming.
That's the last night I could have service. They pulled my shoes off. They tore my coat off. Why, legions of soldiers trying to get me back to the...?... Hotel, down there, trying to get out. What was it? It's Jesus, raised from the dead.
I never had one thing to do with it. The man's faith... I asked him; I said, "If Jesus Christ will restore your sight, would you promise to forsake your sun god, and all other gods, and to live for Him?"
He said, "I'll serve no other God but Jesus Christ if He will give me my sight." And God made him perfectly whole. And he's testified before the President, and everything, around India, which will be a stir.
E-72 † America, you're behind time. They're the one's got the revival over there. Amen. God bless you.
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