E-27 † Notice. Then you see where we have gotten to. Then, this great church, when he said, "Let us build one who, all those who wants to keep the Sabbath day, who don't want to eat meat, let's build one for that; let's take Moses and his law."
I'm glad He turned our eyes from Moses. What could the law do for you? The Bible said, "No man is saved by the law." No matter how good you are, no matter how good you live, you can't be saved by the law. "It's by grace are you saved; and that not of your own: but it is God's goodness to you." The law was a policeman, the law put you in jail, but the law had no redemption to bring you out. Christ has redemption. The law says you are a sinner. Christ said, "I come to save you." I'm glad He turned His head from the law.
E-28 † What about the prophets? What about Elijah? What did he mean? He was justice. He represented God's justice. And no man can be just outside of Christ.
Elijah had a commandment from God; He went to the top of the mountain. And while he was up there, the king said, "Let's go up and get that old crank, that old holy-roller. Go up and get him." And he sent fifty men.
And that old prophet stood up, little ol' skinny body, and whiskers hanging down like a fuzzy worm, and he said, "If I be a man of God, let fire fall from Heaven and consume you." That's justice. That's what you deserve. I don't want what I deserve.
Then the king said, "Oh, perhaps there was a lightning storm went by, and a little thunder storm, and the lightning must have struck them. We'll just send another fifty, 'cause there's no such a thing as that could happen in these days." So he sent another fifty.
And Elijah raised up (justice) and said, "If I be a man of God, let fire fall from Heaven, and consume you." And another fifty went. So, it wasn't accidental, it was God's justice.
I don't want justice. I don't want judgment. I want mercy. God give me mercy, not His law, not His denominations, not His bishops; I want His love and His mercy. That's what the world is hungering for today, is His love and His mercy, God's mercy upon us. I couldn't stand His law, I can't keep His law, and He knows I don't want His justice, He would condemn me; but I'll accept His mercy.
Then, what can Jesus do for you? He can save you, He can heal you, He can give you His salvation, He can take you to Glory, He can cover your sins, He can make you love one another. He can make the Methodist shake hands with the Baptist, and the Baptist and the Presbyterian put their arms around Pentecost, and be brothers.
E-29 † I thank God for the old fashion religion. It'll make a pair of overalls set by the tuxedo suit, and hug one another, and call each other "brother." It'll make a calico dress set by a silk one, and hug one another, and call each other "sister."
But when you're all stuck up: "My church is better than yours, my pastor's got a better education than yours"; then you are still carnal. Certainly.
God give us Your mercy, and not Your judgment.
What's the matter with the world today? What's the matter, the church hasn't progressed? What's the reason the Gospel hasn't went to all the world? Is because we're still living under laws and traditions of the elders. We're trying to make ourselves denominations, and build upon them foundations, and education, and upon, oh, societies. The Church of the Living God is not built on any of them, but upon solid foundation of Christ, the Son of the Living God, through Divine love, to recognize every man as his brother. Oh, how we need that little word, four letter word of l-o-v-e. The world's perishing for it.
E-30 † Now in closing, I wish to say these remarks: The world, the sinner out yonder, friend, is not letting you build your denominations till you have the best schools; not that you can build the great spires that stick up towards the heaven. The Pharisees had all that better than you, and they were called the children of the Devil. The sinner is not trying to see how you dress; the sinner is not trying to see how much education you got, and how well your pastor can say, "Ah-man," or some well-trained voice.
If anything I hate is a well-trained voice, over-trained; stand and hold a note till they're blue in the face. They're not singing to God; they're singing to let somebody hear them.
And there's nothing more Heavenly than an old fashion Pentecostal singing, where a man couldn't carry a tune in a coal bucket, with his hands up to God, singing the praises and glory of God; and with a heart of gold in him that'll shake hands with his neighbor, and do him a favor, though he disagrees with him.
That's what the world wants to see; not how well you can speak, and how educated you are, and how you can quote Webster or Shakespeare. You ought to quote the Bible and Christ, and live like you preach, is the thing the world's waiting for: "Not preach me a sermon so much as live me one."
"If I be lifted up from the earth, I'll draw all men unto me."
58-0301E Hear Ye Him
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