E-53 † In closing I might say this. The great story of, many you men and women here around my age, remember it used to be in the school books; it's too quickly forgotten. That was a story of a great hero in Switzerland. Call his name and the Swiss people would cry right now, up in the mountains. Arnold von Winkelried. Many of you remember him in your school books.
One day when Switzerland was backed into the corner. Their little economy was at stake. The invaders, about four hundred years ago, swarmed in there like a fly of bees. They got their little old hand sickles, and scythe blades, and rocks, and whatever they could to go down in the valley to defend their homes. And here come this on-marching army, just like a brick wall, well trained armored spears, ever man in his step, marching right on. And here stood these poor little Swiss backed into a corner. There was nothing they could do. They were absolutely hopeless and helpless. All this fine trained, outnumbered by the thousands, just like a brick wall, moving right on. What could they do?
E-54 † Finally, one man, for the love of his country, Arnold von Winkelried, stepped out. He said, "Men of Switzerland, this day I'm going to give my life for Switzerland. And this day I will save Switzerland."
His comrades said to him, "Arnold von Winkelried, what will you do?"
He said, "Back over the hill yonder is a little white home, three loving children and a wife. They're looking for me and praying for me to return. But I'll never see them again on this earth." He said, "For this day, I must save Switzerland."
Said, "What will you do?"
He said, "Follow me and fight with what you've got and do the best you can."
He threw down the weapon he had in his hand; he started towards... He looked around first and found the very thickest of those spears. He run to them with his hands up in the air, screaming, "Make way for liberty. Make way for liberty."
E-55 † And as he run (many of you know the story) and as he run towards them, about a hundred spears turned to catch him on the end of those spears. And when he got right to them, he grabbed an armful of them, and throwed them into his bosom, and died. Such a display of heroism and love for his country, it routed that big army, and those Swiss come in with clubs and beat that army out of their country, and they've never had a war since. That display has seldom been matched, seldom been.
Last year, where I'll be in the next few weeks, Lord willing, up in Switzerland again, just speak his name and watch the people cry up there in the mountains. They know that their fine homes and their safety today, was because one man loved them. And displayed his love.
E-56 † That was a great hero act. But oh, that wasn't nothing, friend. Till one day when Adam's race was all backed into a corner. The children of Adam, God had sent them laws and prophets, and they wouldn't keep it; they wouldn't listen to them. And they were all backed in a corner with sicknesses, and diseases, and superstitions, and doubt, and fears. There was One, stepped out of heaven, the Son of God. He said, "I'm going to earth to give my life for Adam's fallen race."
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. And when He come to earth, He looked around and seen where man's most fear was... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... greatest of his fears was death. Men, as long as he's healthy and fine, he can blaspheme and run around. But let him come down to that dying hour. There he was. And He found the thickest of the spears, and He rushed out into death and gave His life as a sacrifice, displaying the love of God for Adam's fallen race.
E-57 † What did He leave back for we preachers? He said, "Go up down yonder to the--Jerusalem and wait there until you're endued with power from on high. And when the Holy Ghost has come upon you, you'll be witnesses of Me, both in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, Saskatoon, and the uttermost parts of the earth." And with the weapon that He's left us, He told us to dash into sickness and to sin, and these signs shall follow them that believe.
Men and women, it's time that we picked up the weapon that our Hero of God's love left us, and dash out yonder and fight against ignorance, and superstitions, and formality, and break down the walls of the enemy and display the real gallant love that we believe in, God and His Word, till sickness is healed, and devils are routed, and blind see, and deaf hear. God help me to do it as long as I got a breath left in my body.
57-0519E LOVE
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