Thursday, 7 July 2016

Bubbling Spring ...

E-52       †        I remember when I was state game warden of Indiana; I used to patrol through a country. There was an old spring, way down in southern Indiana, down along Green--Indian River. I used to like to drink from that old spring. I... The reason I liked it, it was so happy all the time. I'd go by that spring, and it would just bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble.
I thought, "You're so happy; what makes you so happy?" I said, "You know why? It's because a, maybe, a--a rabbit comes by and drinks out of you, and that makes you happy."
"Nope." It could talk, it'd say, "No, no, that isn't it, Brother Branham."
I'd say, "Well, maybe it's because cattle drink from you."
"Nope, that's not what makes me bubble."
I said, "Well, maybe it's because that I drink from you. Every time I come here, wintertime, fall, spring, summer, you're always bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, just spurting out fresh cold water all the time." I say, "Well, what makes you bubble then?"
He'd say, "Isn't me bubbling; it's something behind me, pushing me, making me bubble."
And that's the way the church is: born of the Spirit of God. It's something behind them, reflecting Jesus Christ. Amen. Not them bubbling; it's something behind them bubbling them, pushing, raising up glorious praises to His Name, not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it's the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes. Amen. I love Him with all my heart. Do you love Him likewise?


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