Saturday, 9 July 2016

Dirty Rags ...

181       †          Like the Queen of England, once, she went to a great paper company, and she said she would like to see through the paper mills. So they showed her the paper mills, many years ago before they went to making it into pulp and stuff, so they find... making papers out of it. So they, well, after a while, she come into a room that it was nothing but a big old pile of dirty rags, and she said, "Where did this come from? What's this? Oh," she said.
The--the--the president of the plant said, "This is--is what we'll make the paper out of, these dirty rags."
She said, "That, make paper?"
"Yes." So she couldn't hardly believe it.
182    So after she was gone, the man took the same dirty pile of rags, and run them through a certain process, and brought them out a clean, pure paper, you know, had been went through a process and made real... And put her profile in it, and sent it to her, reflecting herself in this what she called "dirty rags."

183       †          Now that's what it is. The dead things of yesterday, the message of Luther, the message of Wesley, the message of Pentecost, if it can only go through the process of God's Holy Spirit and the Word of a vindication, it'll bring forth the reflection of the Jesus Christ, the King. Amen. But if you leave it lay, it's dirty rags. See?
184    It's got to be molded into something else. Luther has got to be molded into Wesley, and Wesley has got to be molded into Pentecost, and Pentecost has got to be molded into Christ. It goes through a process. So has the Gospel gone through a process. It's processing. Luther's age, of justification, we believe that; Wesley's, of sanctification, we believe that; the Pentecostal's, of the restoration of the gifts, for the Holy Ghost, we believe that, certainly. But, mold it all together, what do you come out with? Jesus, right, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh! It'll come out with Jesus.


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