Sunday, 3 February 2013


E-26 Here some time ago I was out west, and I was standing in a man's house that invited me out for--for dinner. And he said, "Mr. Branham, I see you admiring that sculpture, painting, or not painting, but it was kind of carved out of wood--plaque-like, over the fireplace.
I said, "Yes, sir. I am." And it was an old ox cart, or covered wagon with oxes: a man in front, a little boy setting on the seat with his mother, and they were traveling.
And he said, "That was my father and mother, and the little boy on the seat was myself." He said, "We come here in this ox cart." He said, "But since then, we have so prospered." He said, "I want you to step out here in the yard." He said... I forget how many thousands of acres that he owned there of a ranch. He said, "I bought that in my young days."
And he said, "Then after that, the adjoining ranch to the west I own; the adjoining ranch to the south I own." Said, "You see the smoke over there?"
"Yes, sir."
Said, "That's a city." I forget how much property he owned there.
He said, "I'm the president in that bank there," and telling me what all he had.

E-27 I listened for a little while, and I said, "I would like to ask you one question, sir. You have pointed to the east, and to the west, showing the ranches, and to the city. I would like to have you look up this a-way, and see--and tell me how much you own up there." That's the main thing, because someday you're going to leave every bit of this down here. And then, where do you go from there? That's the main thing.

 The End-Time Sign Seed (62-0319)

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