Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Stand For Him Now, He'll Stand For You There..

...Don't you like that? We stand to pledge allegiance. We stand for our nation. Why not stand for the Word now. While we are standing just a minute, I was reading an article not long ago. I was thinking last night of those people who stood for Christ. If you haven't done it, won't you do it today?
E-2 There's a great evangelist about seventy-five years ago. I just can't think of his name. I think it's Arthur McCoy. He'd crossed the land. And one night he had a dream that he had went on to glory. And said he went up to the gates, and he said they wouldn't let him in. And said he said, "I'm Arthur McCoy from the United States. I'm an evangelist."
So the gatekeeper went in... Now, this was a dream. He went in, said, "I can't find your name at all."
He said, "Well, I was an evangelist."
He said, "Sir, I..."
He said, "Well, is there a chance that there's something wrong?"
He said, "No, sir. I have the book here. I can't find your name at all."
And he said, "Well, I... Can I do anything about it?"
He said, "You might appeal your case to the white throne judgment." God help... I don't want to be there.
He said, "Well, if that's my only hope, I guess I'll just appeal my case then."
E-3 And said, then he thought he went way away, and just... And as he begin, said it was darkness, and got lighter and lighter. And said it seemed like there was no certain place this light stopped, but he was right in the center of it.
He said He said, "Who approaches My throne of judgment?"
He said, "I'm Arthur McCoy, an evangelist, sent many souls to the Kingdom."
He said, "Was your name not found upon the book?"
Said, "Then you have appealed to My court?"
"Yes, sir."
"You shall receive justice. I judge you by My laws. Arthur McCoy, did you ever tell a lie?"
He said, "I thought I was a pretty good man till I stood in that light." He said, "But in the presence of that light I was a sinner." We'll all be that.
E-4 You might feel secure now. But wait till you come there. How do you think it feels here, when He's anointing? How little you feel. What will it be at that white throne judgment? He said, "Did you ever tell a lie?"
He said, "I thought I'd been truthful. But some little things I thought was little white lies, they become big and dark there." He said, "Yes, sir, I've told a lie."
He said, "Did you ever steal?"
He said, "I thought I'd been honest about it and never stole." But said, "In the presence of that light I--I realized there was some deals that I pulled that wasn't just right." He said, "Yes, sir, I stole."
He said, "My judgment..." And he was just about ready to hear his sentence, "Depart into everlasting fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels."
He said, "Every bone was coming apart." Said, "I heard the sweetest voice I ever heard in my life." He said, "When I turned to look, I saw the sweetest face I ever saw, sweeter than a mother's face, sweeter voice than my mother ever called me."
Said, "I looked around. I heard a voice, said, 'Father, that is true. He did tell lies, and he wasn't just honest. But down on earth he stood for Me.' Said, 'Now, I'll stand in his place.'"
That's what I want to happen there. I want to stand for Him now, that when that time comes He stood in my place.
 Possessing The Gate Of The Enemy After Trial (64-0322)

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