- Date: Tuesday, 50-0711
- Location: Minneapolis, MN - Tent Meeting
- Duration: 51 min
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Faith is just as real ...
Now, hope is one thing and faith is
another. Faith is a positive sense. It’s not a guesswork; you don’t just
imagine it. It’s just as real as any other sense of your body, just the
same as sight is. Sight is real. Hearing is real. See, taste, feel,
smell, and hear, the five senses of the body that control the body,
they’re real faculties to you if none of them is injured. And then,
faith is just as real as any of the other five senses, and more real,
because it’ll go in and above those five senses.
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Time goes by so fast!
It's hard to believe we're over halfway through 2016! So many things
change, and time goes by so fast that everything almost seems a blur.
But there's one thing that stands still in perfection for God's Bride,
and that's His Word.
Hope these nuggets are blessings to somebody out there. God bless you.
Hope these nuggets are blessings to somebody out there. God bless you.
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Not your faith, God's faith
And He promised you the same thing, that
is, "If you could believe that it would happen." If you can't believe
It, it just won't happen. Now, I can't make you believe, neither can you
make yourself believe. God has got to give it to you. It's a gift of
God, to believe. Not your faith, God's faith.
65-1126 Works Is Faith Expressed
Saturday, 9 July 2016
Dirty Rags ...
181 † Like the Queen of England, once, she went to a great paper company, and she said she would like to see through the paper mills. So they showed her the paper mills, many years ago before they went to making it into pulp and stuff, so they find... making papers out of it. So they, well, after a while, she come into a room that it was nothing but a big old pile of dirty rags, and she said, "Where did this come from? What's this? Oh," she said.
The--the--the president of the plant said, "This is--is what we'll make the paper out of, these dirty rags."
She said, "That, make paper?"
"Yes." So she couldn't hardly believe it.
182 So after she was gone, the man took the same dirty pile of rags, and run them through a certain process, and brought them out a clean, pure paper, you know, had been went through a process and made real... And put her profile in it, and sent it to her, reflecting herself in this what she called "dirty rags."
183 † Now that's what it is. The dead things of yesterday, the message of Luther, the message of Wesley, the message of Pentecost, if it can only go through the process of God's Holy Spirit and the Word of a vindication, it'll bring forth the reflection of the Jesus Christ, the King. Amen. But if you leave it lay, it's dirty rags. See?
184 It's got to be molded into something else. Luther has got to be molded into Wesley, and Wesley has got to be molded into Pentecost, and Pentecost has got to be molded into Christ. It goes through a process. So has the Gospel gone through a process. It's processing. Luther's age, of justification, we believe that; Wesley's, of sanctification, we believe that; the Pentecostal's, of the restoration of the gifts, for the Holy Ghost, we believe that, certainly. But, mold it all together, what do you come out with? Jesus, right, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh! It'll come out with Jesus.
The--the--the president of the plant said, "This is--is what we'll make the paper out of, these dirty rags."
She said, "That, make paper?"
"Yes." So she couldn't hardly believe it.
182 So after she was gone, the man took the same dirty pile of rags, and run them through a certain process, and brought them out a clean, pure paper, you know, had been went through a process and made real... And put her profile in it, and sent it to her, reflecting herself in this what she called "dirty rags."
183 † Now that's what it is. The dead things of yesterday, the message of Luther, the message of Wesley, the message of Pentecost, if it can only go through the process of God's Holy Spirit and the Word of a vindication, it'll bring forth the reflection of the Jesus Christ, the King. Amen. But if you leave it lay, it's dirty rags. See?
184 It's got to be molded into something else. Luther has got to be molded into Wesley, and Wesley has got to be molded into Pentecost, and Pentecost has got to be molded into Christ. It goes through a process. So has the Gospel gone through a process. It's processing. Luther's age, of justification, we believe that; Wesley's, of sanctification, we believe that; the Pentecostal's, of the restoration of the gifts, for the Holy Ghost, we believe that, certainly. But, mold it all together, what do you come out with? Jesus, right, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh! It'll come out with Jesus.
Friday, 8 July 2016
A challenge in India ...
E-66 † And oh, how superstition. And them coming to the platform; couldn't even speak their own language. But the Holy Spirit would tell them who they were and where they come from, and about their diseases, and what they had done, and what--what church they went to, what kind of religion they had. They set and wondered.
After a while, came along a blind man, totally blind, one that went through. God never showed nothing about him, just told him what was his trouble. And the next one come through... Remember, you can't do it. It has to be God.
E-67 † The next one come through was a man about, maybe younger than I. And it told him that he was a worshipper of the sun. His eyes was white as my shirt.
The mayor of Bombay, and men, the celebrities... I had a airplane ticket in my hand, to be interviewed by the president of India and the Prime Minister Nehru, which was going this fall... He'd promised a million people to meet at Delhi. And then I couldn't get in and out of the place, hardly.
And here this blind man was standing here. I said, "Now, I cannot help the man. There's nothing I can do. But if Jesus, the resurrected Christ, has rose from the dead, then He knows the man. He knows all about him. He can tell me," I said, "like He has these other people. But you're setting out there with a question in your mind. 'Am I reading the people's minds? Is it mental telepathy?'"
I said, "That's the same devil they had in the beginning. I can't expect... If it wasn't that way, I'd be scared myself." You got to have opposition, then you know you're on the battle front.
Then when the man come there, I looked, and by the grace of God, there come a vision over him of the man seeing. Then I put a challenge to them, when I'd seen the vision. I knowed he was going see then. God done said so.
I said, "Gentlemen of the religions of this world..." Not my brethren. They're not. I said, "Here's a man. The Holy Spirit has told him he was a married man, had children, and where he come from, how he made his living, everything, and told him he was a worshipper of the sun. He's been blind for twenty years." I said, "Is there doctor would like to examine him?"
E-68 † Don't make any difference. God's done said so. The Father has done spoke and it's got to be done. Watch it in the meetings. All heavens and earth will change, but it'll never change. That's right. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It ain't nonsense. It ain't tomfoolery. It's the Bible made manifest.
And the man stood there. I said, "Now, do you, who claim to be... You said today that your bible started before Genesis, and your prophets was before Moses, and so forth. Now, I... If this is a human..." And I said, "He's a man, and you'll say he's done wrong by worshipping the sun. You want him to come over and worship a cow, or do some other religion, worship Buddha, or Mohammedan, or something on that order." I said, "We got the same thing in America. It's nothing in the world but human psychology."
E-69 † I said, "The Methodists wants to make all the Baptists Methodists. The Baptists wants to make all the Methodists Baptists. The Pentecostals wants all the Nazarenes and Pilgrim Holiness to be Pentecost, and vice versa. And Catholics wants to make them all Protestants, and Protestants, vice versa. That's the way it is. It's psychology. What does it do for you? Changes your thinking."
I said, "We can produce that. We got it all through America, only thank God, one God." But I said, "Now, If God is a God of the living, if God is a God of the Creator, surely if the man's been ignorantly wrong, he's looked at the sun till he's gone blind, surely the Creator can do something for him if he will get straightened out right."
E-70 † I said, "Now, I challenge you to come forward to the platform and produce something." And everybody was very quiet. Sure. I said, "But let it be known; neither can I. I'm just a man. But I saw a vision. I saw a vision of the man. He's going to receive his sight."
I said, "I wouldn't nothing say that at all. Why didn't I say it to the other blind people that passed by? Or... I said, "Because it wasn't God. God didn't tell me nothing. Only thing I could do was just what He told me. He told me what they was, and what they should do, and all like that, but He never said nothing about it. But now He showed me this man's going to receive his sight."
I said, "If this blind man will receive his sight, how many of you will accept Jesus as your personal Saviour, and forsake all your idols and everything else?" As far as I could see for, looked like, well, far as the flood lights would reach, them little black hands reaching up.
And I took the man over there, and said, "Dear Lord Jesus, Thou knowest..." They won't interpret your prayer, of course not. So I said, "I--I know that it's helpless. And I know that Your Word can't fail. This is Your Word first, of course. Only this would be secondarily. But You haven't said individually to this man, but You've said it through Your Word now by a vision. And Your same Holy Spirit that said, 'I do nothing except the Father shows Me...' And You're raised from the dead, and You're here."
E-71 † And I said, "I pray Thee for the glory of God, that the people might know that they're in wrong and in darkness, that You'll give this blind man his sight in the Name of the Lord Jesus."
I took my hands down, and he let out a scream and grabbed me around the waist. He could see as good as you can, anybody that's in here can see. He run over the platform. He grabbed the mayor, I got his ticket right here in my pocket of--of Bombay, of Boham... or was... I believe he was a Mohammedan? Yes. And grabbed him, and begin to hug him; and people screaming.
That's the last night I could have service. They pulled my shoes off. They tore my coat off. Why, legions of soldiers trying to get me back to the...?... Hotel, down there, trying to get out. What was it? It's Jesus, raised from the dead.
I never had one thing to do with it. The man's faith... I asked him; I said, "If Jesus Christ will restore your sight, would you promise to forsake your sun god, and all other gods, and to live for Him?"
He said, "I'll serve no other God but Jesus Christ if He will give me my sight." And God made him perfectly whole. And he's testified before the President, and everything, around India, which will be a stir.
E-72 † America, you're behind time. They're the one's got the revival over there. Amen. God bless you.
After a while, came along a blind man, totally blind, one that went through. God never showed nothing about him, just told him what was his trouble. And the next one come through... Remember, you can't do it. It has to be God.
E-67 † The next one come through was a man about, maybe younger than I. And it told him that he was a worshipper of the sun. His eyes was white as my shirt.
The mayor of Bombay, and men, the celebrities... I had a airplane ticket in my hand, to be interviewed by the president of India and the Prime Minister Nehru, which was going this fall... He'd promised a million people to meet at Delhi. And then I couldn't get in and out of the place, hardly.
And here this blind man was standing here. I said, "Now, I cannot help the man. There's nothing I can do. But if Jesus, the resurrected Christ, has rose from the dead, then He knows the man. He knows all about him. He can tell me," I said, "like He has these other people. But you're setting out there with a question in your mind. 'Am I reading the people's minds? Is it mental telepathy?'"
I said, "That's the same devil they had in the beginning. I can't expect... If it wasn't that way, I'd be scared myself." You got to have opposition, then you know you're on the battle front.
Then when the man come there, I looked, and by the grace of God, there come a vision over him of the man seeing. Then I put a challenge to them, when I'd seen the vision. I knowed he was going see then. God done said so.
I said, "Gentlemen of the religions of this world..." Not my brethren. They're not. I said, "Here's a man. The Holy Spirit has told him he was a married man, had children, and where he come from, how he made his living, everything, and told him he was a worshipper of the sun. He's been blind for twenty years." I said, "Is there doctor would like to examine him?"
E-68 † Don't make any difference. God's done said so. The Father has done spoke and it's got to be done. Watch it in the meetings. All heavens and earth will change, but it'll never change. That's right. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It ain't nonsense. It ain't tomfoolery. It's the Bible made manifest.
And the man stood there. I said, "Now, do you, who claim to be... You said today that your bible started before Genesis, and your prophets was before Moses, and so forth. Now, I... If this is a human..." And I said, "He's a man, and you'll say he's done wrong by worshipping the sun. You want him to come over and worship a cow, or do some other religion, worship Buddha, or Mohammedan, or something on that order." I said, "We got the same thing in America. It's nothing in the world but human psychology."
E-69 † I said, "The Methodists wants to make all the Baptists Methodists. The Baptists wants to make all the Methodists Baptists. The Pentecostals wants all the Nazarenes and Pilgrim Holiness to be Pentecost, and vice versa. And Catholics wants to make them all Protestants, and Protestants, vice versa. That's the way it is. It's psychology. What does it do for you? Changes your thinking."
I said, "We can produce that. We got it all through America, only thank God, one God." But I said, "Now, If God is a God of the living, if God is a God of the Creator, surely if the man's been ignorantly wrong, he's looked at the sun till he's gone blind, surely the Creator can do something for him if he will get straightened out right."
E-70 † I said, "Now, I challenge you to come forward to the platform and produce something." And everybody was very quiet. Sure. I said, "But let it be known; neither can I. I'm just a man. But I saw a vision. I saw a vision of the man. He's going to receive his sight."
I said, "I wouldn't nothing say that at all. Why didn't I say it to the other blind people that passed by? Or... I said, "Because it wasn't God. God didn't tell me nothing. Only thing I could do was just what He told me. He told me what they was, and what they should do, and all like that, but He never said nothing about it. But now He showed me this man's going to receive his sight."
I said, "If this blind man will receive his sight, how many of you will accept Jesus as your personal Saviour, and forsake all your idols and everything else?" As far as I could see for, looked like, well, far as the flood lights would reach, them little black hands reaching up.
And I took the man over there, and said, "Dear Lord Jesus, Thou knowest..." They won't interpret your prayer, of course not. So I said, "I--I know that it's helpless. And I know that Your Word can't fail. This is Your Word first, of course. Only this would be secondarily. But You haven't said individually to this man, but You've said it through Your Word now by a vision. And Your same Holy Spirit that said, 'I do nothing except the Father shows Me...' And You're raised from the dead, and You're here."
E-71 † And I said, "I pray Thee for the glory of God, that the people might know that they're in wrong and in darkness, that You'll give this blind man his sight in the Name of the Lord Jesus."
I took my hands down, and he let out a scream and grabbed me around the waist. He could see as good as you can, anybody that's in here can see. He run over the platform. He grabbed the mayor, I got his ticket right here in my pocket of--of Bombay, of Boham... or was... I believe he was a Mohammedan? Yes. And grabbed him, and begin to hug him; and people screaming.
That's the last night I could have service. They pulled my shoes off. They tore my coat off. Why, legions of soldiers trying to get me back to the...?... Hotel, down there, trying to get out. What was it? It's Jesus, raised from the dead.
I never had one thing to do with it. The man's faith... I asked him; I said, "If Jesus Christ will restore your sight, would you promise to forsake your sun god, and all other gods, and to live for Him?"
He said, "I'll serve no other God but Jesus Christ if He will give me my sight." And God made him perfectly whole. And he's testified before the President, and everything, around India, which will be a stir.
E-72 † America, you're behind time. They're the one's got the revival over there. Amen. God bless you.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Bubbling Spring ...
E-52 † I remember when I was state game warden of Indiana; I used to patrol through a country. There was an old spring, way down in southern Indiana, down along Green--Indian River. I used to like to drink from that old spring. I... The reason I liked it, it was so happy all the time. I'd go by that spring, and it would just bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble.
I thought, "You're so happy; what makes you so happy?" I said, "You know why? It's because a, maybe, a--a rabbit comes by and drinks out of you, and that makes you happy."
"Nope." It could talk, it'd say, "No, no, that isn't it, Brother Branham."
I'd say, "Well, maybe it's because cattle drink from you."
"Nope, that's not what makes me bubble."
I said, "Well, maybe it's because that I drink from you. Every time I come here, wintertime, fall, spring, summer, you're always bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, just spurting out fresh cold water all the time." I say, "Well, what makes you bubble then?"
He'd say, "Isn't me bubbling; it's something behind me, pushing me, making me bubble."
And that's the way the church is: born of the Spirit of God. It's something behind them, reflecting Jesus Christ. Amen. Not them bubbling; it's something behind them bubbling them, pushing, raising up glorious praises to His Name, not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it's the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes. Amen. I love Him with all my heart. Do you love Him likewise?
I thought, "You're so happy; what makes you so happy?" I said, "You know why? It's because a, maybe, a--a rabbit comes by and drinks out of you, and that makes you happy."
"Nope." It could talk, it'd say, "No, no, that isn't it, Brother Branham."
I'd say, "Well, maybe it's because cattle drink from you."
"Nope, that's not what makes me bubble."
I said, "Well, maybe it's because that I drink from you. Every time I come here, wintertime, fall, spring, summer, you're always bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, just spurting out fresh cold water all the time." I say, "Well, what makes you bubble then?"
He'd say, "Isn't me bubbling; it's something behind me, pushing me, making me bubble."
And that's the way the church is: born of the Spirit of God. It's something behind them, reflecting Jesus Christ. Amen. Not them bubbling; it's something behind them bubbling them, pushing, raising up glorious praises to His Name, not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it's the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes. Amen. I love Him with all my heart. Do you love Him likewise?
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Arnold von Winkelried ...
E-53 † In closing I might say this. The great story of, many you men and women here around my age, remember it used to be in the school books; it's too quickly forgotten. That was a story of a great hero in Switzerland. Call his name and the Swiss people would cry right now, up in the mountains. Arnold von Winkelried. Many of you remember him in your school books.
One day when Switzerland was backed into the corner. Their little economy was at stake. The invaders, about four hundred years ago, swarmed in there like a fly of bees. They got their little old hand sickles, and scythe blades, and rocks, and whatever they could to go down in the valley to defend their homes. And here come this on-marching army, just like a brick wall, well trained armored spears, ever man in his step, marching right on. And here stood these poor little Swiss backed into a corner. There was nothing they could do. They were absolutely hopeless and helpless. All this fine trained, outnumbered by the thousands, just like a brick wall, moving right on. What could they do?
E-54 † Finally, one man, for the love of his country, Arnold von Winkelried, stepped out. He said, "Men of Switzerland, this day I'm going to give my life for Switzerland. And this day I will save Switzerland."
His comrades said to him, "Arnold von Winkelried, what will you do?"
He said, "Back over the hill yonder is a little white home, three loving children and a wife. They're looking for me and praying for me to return. But I'll never see them again on this earth." He said, "For this day, I must save Switzerland."
Said, "What will you do?"
He said, "Follow me and fight with what you've got and do the best you can."
He threw down the weapon he had in his hand; he started towards... He looked around first and found the very thickest of those spears. He run to them with his hands up in the air, screaming, "Make way for liberty. Make way for liberty."
E-55 † And as he run (many of you know the story) and as he run towards them, about a hundred spears turned to catch him on the end of those spears. And when he got right to them, he grabbed an armful of them, and throwed them into his bosom, and died. Such a display of heroism and love for his country, it routed that big army, and those Swiss come in with clubs and beat that army out of their country, and they've never had a war since. That display has seldom been matched, seldom been.
Last year, where I'll be in the next few weeks, Lord willing, up in Switzerland again, just speak his name and watch the people cry up there in the mountains. They know that their fine homes and their safety today, was because one man loved them. And displayed his love.
E-56 † That was a great hero act. But oh, that wasn't nothing, friend. Till one day when Adam's race was all backed into a corner. The children of Adam, God had sent them laws and prophets, and they wouldn't keep it; they wouldn't listen to them. And they were all backed in a corner with sicknesses, and diseases, and superstitions, and doubt, and fears. There was One, stepped out of heaven, the Son of God. He said, "I'm going to earth to give my life for Adam's fallen race."
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. And when He come to earth, He looked around and seen where man's most fear was... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... greatest of his fears was death. Men, as long as he's healthy and fine, he can blaspheme and run around. But let him come down to that dying hour. There he was. And He found the thickest of the spears, and He rushed out into death and gave His life as a sacrifice, displaying the love of God for Adam's fallen race.
E-57 † What did He leave back for we preachers? He said, "Go up down yonder to the--Jerusalem and wait there until you're endued with power from on high. And when the Holy Ghost has come upon you, you'll be witnesses of Me, both in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, Saskatoon, and the uttermost parts of the earth." And with the weapon that He's left us, He told us to dash into sickness and to sin, and these signs shall follow them that believe.
Men and women, it's time that we picked up the weapon that our Hero of God's love left us, and dash out yonder and fight against ignorance, and superstitions, and formality, and break down the walls of the enemy and display the real gallant love that we believe in, God and His Word, till sickness is healed, and devils are routed, and blind see, and deaf hear. God help me to do it as long as I got a breath left in my body.
57-0519E LOVE
One day when Switzerland was backed into the corner. Their little economy was at stake. The invaders, about four hundred years ago, swarmed in there like a fly of bees. They got their little old hand sickles, and scythe blades, and rocks, and whatever they could to go down in the valley to defend their homes. And here come this on-marching army, just like a brick wall, well trained armored spears, ever man in his step, marching right on. And here stood these poor little Swiss backed into a corner. There was nothing they could do. They were absolutely hopeless and helpless. All this fine trained, outnumbered by the thousands, just like a brick wall, moving right on. What could they do?
E-54 † Finally, one man, for the love of his country, Arnold von Winkelried, stepped out. He said, "Men of Switzerland, this day I'm going to give my life for Switzerland. And this day I will save Switzerland."
His comrades said to him, "Arnold von Winkelried, what will you do?"
He said, "Back over the hill yonder is a little white home, three loving children and a wife. They're looking for me and praying for me to return. But I'll never see them again on this earth." He said, "For this day, I must save Switzerland."
Said, "What will you do?"
He said, "Follow me and fight with what you've got and do the best you can."
He threw down the weapon he had in his hand; he started towards... He looked around first and found the very thickest of those spears. He run to them with his hands up in the air, screaming, "Make way for liberty. Make way for liberty."
E-55 † And as he run (many of you know the story) and as he run towards them, about a hundred spears turned to catch him on the end of those spears. And when he got right to them, he grabbed an armful of them, and throwed them into his bosom, and died. Such a display of heroism and love for his country, it routed that big army, and those Swiss come in with clubs and beat that army out of their country, and they've never had a war since. That display has seldom been matched, seldom been.
Last year, where I'll be in the next few weeks, Lord willing, up in Switzerland again, just speak his name and watch the people cry up there in the mountains. They know that their fine homes and their safety today, was because one man loved them. And displayed his love.
E-56 † That was a great hero act. But oh, that wasn't nothing, friend. Till one day when Adam's race was all backed into a corner. The children of Adam, God had sent them laws and prophets, and they wouldn't keep it; they wouldn't listen to them. And they were all backed in a corner with sicknesses, and diseases, and superstitions, and doubt, and fears. There was One, stepped out of heaven, the Son of God. He said, "I'm going to earth to give my life for Adam's fallen race."
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. And when He come to earth, He looked around and seen where man's most fear was... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... greatest of his fears was death. Men, as long as he's healthy and fine, he can blaspheme and run around. But let him come down to that dying hour. There he was. And He found the thickest of the spears, and He rushed out into death and gave His life as a sacrifice, displaying the love of God for Adam's fallen race.
E-57 † What did He leave back for we preachers? He said, "Go up down yonder to the--Jerusalem and wait there until you're endued with power from on high. And when the Holy Ghost has come upon you, you'll be witnesses of Me, both in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, Saskatoon, and the uttermost parts of the earth." And with the weapon that He's left us, He told us to dash into sickness and to sin, and these signs shall follow them that believe.
Men and women, it's time that we picked up the weapon that our Hero of God's love left us, and dash out yonder and fight against ignorance, and superstitions, and formality, and break down the walls of the enemy and display the real gallant love that we believe in, God and His Word, till sickness is healed, and devils are routed, and blind see, and deaf hear. God help me to do it as long as I got a breath left in my body.
57-0519E LOVE
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
An Appropriate Gift ...
107 † Oh, I read a story, come to my mind not long ago, of something on that order. There'd been a great city, here in this nation, and... New York. And it was on Christmas eve. And there was a poor family. A little daddy, he had TB, and he was... and his wife had TB. They had been underprivileged. And he--he kind of... He was weakly and so nobody would hire him. He had no education, and he--he... people didn't want him.
108 He just was an outcast, become a tramp. Just... you know what a tramp is, just go by and--and pick up something, and peddle it and get what you can; what little royalty they make on it, they try to live by it. Just a... like a peddler or something, on the street; go buy some pins and needles and thimbles, and whatever they can. And--and take it, and--and maybe buy for a penny a pack, and sell them for a nickel; and make four cents on the pack, and maybe in the run of a day. You say, "That's--that's a great commission." But just think, all he'd sell in a day. Maybe he made twenty, thirty cents a day, and he had a family.
109 † And the--the little wife, being weakly, she--she died.
110 And it was coming Christmas time. And the little girl, she had developed... from malnutrition, not having the right food and thing; she took TB, also. And she was a little fellow, and about eight, nine years old, ten. And she had never had a doll for Christmas. And that's what she wanted for a gift, was a doll.
111 And the father, not able to give her medical attention and so forth, had... he--he seen the little girl was going fast, and he tried his best to--to--to--to get enough money together to get her a doll for Christmas; if he could just get enough to buy her a little doll! And so the Christmas time was coming on, the bad weather set in, the little girl developed some kind of a pneumonia, and--and she died, just a few weeks before Christmas. And the father, of course, brokenhearted, he went to his little tin can and got the money out. And he thought of his little girl, and she wanted a--a doll like little girls. See, it's a little mother coming on.
« 112 † You notice how a little girl, she goes to a doll, because she... that's her nature, she's a--she's a coming mother. She will be mother someday if she lives and everything. You know, her nature. That's the reason a little girl likes a little doll, she wants to take care of it; 'cause after all, she--she's a little, potentially, a--a--a little mother.
113 And she wanted a little doll, and she had never had one. And Daddy had saved everything he could to--to get her a little doll. And, so, she died.
114 And the father kind of had a lapse of mind. His wife had been taken, his little girl, and his mind kind of got to a place till he--he... still he'd--he'd go to bed every night and talk to this little girl, though she was... been buried. But he thought he was he was talking to her, and telling her, "Now, Honey, it won't be long, and Daddy's going to get you this dolly for Christmas. And--and Daddy's promised you the dolly, and I--I'm--I'm going to get it."
115 † Finally, Christmas arrived. And, course, you know how it is. The rich had their--their big parties; and--and candles burning, and the great high masses in the churches, and talking about Jesus and--and so forth (the churches were), and going through all kind of a routines and mass, and singing, and carols and everything. Little did they know what was going on back in the alley, behind all this.
116 This little fellow back there, and he got beside himself. He wanted that little girl to have that doll so bad, 'cause she had begged so for this little doll. So he went out and he bought her a little rag doll, a little--a little thing, probably about thirty cents; a little dirty something he'd bought, down on the side of the street. And it was a real cold night, the--the--the blizzard winds blowing, the snow falling hard there; and New York, right on the coast.
117 † And the streets filling up; and the people in their great, big limousine cars. And drunken parties, out drinking, the celebration of the birth of Christ and of these things that we speak of tonight, trying to think that that's the right way to do it; just drink off their old sorrows and things, and that that's the way to do it. All of them...
118 Stand in the store, the other day, and a woman talking about what... two girls met and they wanted to know what they got for their daddy. And one of them said, "Well, he..." She got him a carton of certain kind of cigarettes. And the other one said she got him a fifth of whiskey and a--and a--and a deck of cards. Now if that ain't giving a memorial gift for the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ! And that's the way it goes, you see, it's just a big bunch of tinsel. It hasn't got Christmas in it at all.
119 † And so we find now, this little man, he wandered along. And he knowed in his heart his little girl was gone, but he went and bought the doll anyhow. And he thought, "I'll just start walking, I'll find her somewhere. She'll be along the street here and I'll find her." And he started walking.
120 He--he couldn't fool himself, she wasn't back there in the little shanty and in the little, ragged, dirty bed; but, she was buried. So, he--he knew. He thought he'd find her on the street. He said, "I'll just keep walking." And he was going down through the alleys, while they were singing their carols and going on. And going down the alley, packing this little, dirty doll; holding it in his coat, up to his heart, thinking of his little girl.
121 † And finally a policeman happened to see him, and the policeman had a few drinks himself, and he ran into the alley and grabbed the old man and turned him around. He said, "What are you doing hanging here?"
122 He said, "I'm taking this little doll, sir, to my little girl."
123 He said, "Well, where do you live?" And he told him where he lived. He said, "Well, you're going away from that place, you're drunk. Go back the other way."
124 Said, "Sir, I'm--I'm not drunk. I promised my little girl I'd--I'd get her a gift for Christmas." And said, "An appropriate gift for a little girl is a little doll."
125 And he said, "Let me see it." So he showed him a little, dirty like, rag doll. And he was holding it in his... next to his bosom, holding the little doll as he... So the policeman, half drunk, himself, shoved him on and started down. The old man went down the alley, and snow falling fast.
126 † And, well, the midnight parties broke up. The next morning, the snow had let up, the sun had come out. And so they must... all the people from their great gaiety parties was... ice sacks on their heads, from too much drinking and celebration of the--the birth of Christ. And--and many of them were hoarse from carrying on, from all the going-on.
127 But way down in the alley, they found the old man. And when they turned him over, he had the little doll next to his heart. I suppose he took his gift to her. He found her in a Land not here. He--he--he took the gift. It was an appropriate gift. (God, merciful.) Yet it cost him his death. There's no other way in the world he could have give her the gift, she was buried. But the only way he could do it, would be go like that. The little doll didn't mean too much, I guess, the little dirty-faced doll, but it... what did he do it? It fulfilled a promise he had made. No matter what the people thought about it, his dirty hands on a little, dirty doll, but it--it fulfilled a promise to his little girl.
128 † Sometimes they look upon the Gospel as singing, playing, they didn't want It when God brought It, but it fulfilled a promise that He would give His Son. And you know what? They left Him to die, too, just like a tramp on the street. That's exactly right, they've left Him to die like a tramp on the street. And today they treat Him like a tramp on the street, but He fulfilled what He was supposed to do. He was the Gift that God promised to the world.
129 Tonight, let me take Him as my Saviour to my heart. Let me walk in the face of my death, or whatever it is, like that. I promised my life to Him. I want to take it to Him. No matter what I have to go, if I have to go through death, if I have to be shot; no matter what takes place, I have to be laughed at, called "crazy," everything, excommunicated from the rest of the Christian churches and so forth, I... it's a gift of God that I hold in my heart. He gave it, I want to take it to Him.
Let us bow our heads just a moment.
130 † Appropriate gifts I speak on, it was appropriate gift because the little girl... she was a little girl, to be, a little mother (would have been), an appropriate gift was the little doll. An appropriate gift that God, the Creator, could give to His creation, would be a Saviour to save us from the condition it was in. I wonder, tonight, as we're approaching Christmas now, and I suppose it'd be the last message we hear between now and Christmas, 'less we get the radio message of someone.
131 I wonder, tonight, if we've accepted the Gift that God promised us: Eternal Life, to believing on Christ and receiving the Holy Spirit. If you haven't, you'd like to accept God's real, true Christmas gift, would you raise your hand? Say, "Brother Branham, I--I don't know, I've--I've sometimes believed It. And I've watched what things I do. And I kind of, a little bit, in doubt." Don't--don't doubt It anymore, friends.
108 He just was an outcast, become a tramp. Just... you know what a tramp is, just go by and--and pick up something, and peddle it and get what you can; what little royalty they make on it, they try to live by it. Just a... like a peddler or something, on the street; go buy some pins and needles and thimbles, and whatever they can. And--and take it, and--and maybe buy for a penny a pack, and sell them for a nickel; and make four cents on the pack, and maybe in the run of a day. You say, "That's--that's a great commission." But just think, all he'd sell in a day. Maybe he made twenty, thirty cents a day, and he had a family.
109 † And the--the little wife, being weakly, she--she died.
110 And it was coming Christmas time. And the little girl, she had developed... from malnutrition, not having the right food and thing; she took TB, also. And she was a little fellow, and about eight, nine years old, ten. And she had never had a doll for Christmas. And that's what she wanted for a gift, was a doll.
111 And the father, not able to give her medical attention and so forth, had... he--he seen the little girl was going fast, and he tried his best to--to--to--to get enough money together to get her a doll for Christmas; if he could just get enough to buy her a little doll! And so the Christmas time was coming on, the bad weather set in, the little girl developed some kind of a pneumonia, and--and she died, just a few weeks before Christmas. And the father, of course, brokenhearted, he went to his little tin can and got the money out. And he thought of his little girl, and she wanted a--a doll like little girls. See, it's a little mother coming on.
« 112 † You notice how a little girl, she goes to a doll, because she... that's her nature, she's a--she's a coming mother. She will be mother someday if she lives and everything. You know, her nature. That's the reason a little girl likes a little doll, she wants to take care of it; 'cause after all, she--she's a little, potentially, a--a--a little mother.
113 And she wanted a little doll, and she had never had one. And Daddy had saved everything he could to--to get her a little doll. And, so, she died.
114 And the father kind of had a lapse of mind. His wife had been taken, his little girl, and his mind kind of got to a place till he--he... still he'd--he'd go to bed every night and talk to this little girl, though she was... been buried. But he thought he was he was talking to her, and telling her, "Now, Honey, it won't be long, and Daddy's going to get you this dolly for Christmas. And--and Daddy's promised you the dolly, and I--I'm--I'm going to get it."
115 † Finally, Christmas arrived. And, course, you know how it is. The rich had their--their big parties; and--and candles burning, and the great high masses in the churches, and talking about Jesus and--and so forth (the churches were), and going through all kind of a routines and mass, and singing, and carols and everything. Little did they know what was going on back in the alley, behind all this.
116 This little fellow back there, and he got beside himself. He wanted that little girl to have that doll so bad, 'cause she had begged so for this little doll. So he went out and he bought her a little rag doll, a little--a little thing, probably about thirty cents; a little dirty something he'd bought, down on the side of the street. And it was a real cold night, the--the--the blizzard winds blowing, the snow falling hard there; and New York, right on the coast.
117 † And the streets filling up; and the people in their great, big limousine cars. And drunken parties, out drinking, the celebration of the birth of Christ and of these things that we speak of tonight, trying to think that that's the right way to do it; just drink off their old sorrows and things, and that that's the way to do it. All of them...
118 Stand in the store, the other day, and a woman talking about what... two girls met and they wanted to know what they got for their daddy. And one of them said, "Well, he..." She got him a carton of certain kind of cigarettes. And the other one said she got him a fifth of whiskey and a--and a--and a deck of cards. Now if that ain't giving a memorial gift for the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ! And that's the way it goes, you see, it's just a big bunch of tinsel. It hasn't got Christmas in it at all.
119 † And so we find now, this little man, he wandered along. And he knowed in his heart his little girl was gone, but he went and bought the doll anyhow. And he thought, "I'll just start walking, I'll find her somewhere. She'll be along the street here and I'll find her." And he started walking.
120 He--he couldn't fool himself, she wasn't back there in the little shanty and in the little, ragged, dirty bed; but, she was buried. So, he--he knew. He thought he'd find her on the street. He said, "I'll just keep walking." And he was going down through the alleys, while they were singing their carols and going on. And going down the alley, packing this little, dirty doll; holding it in his coat, up to his heart, thinking of his little girl.
121 † And finally a policeman happened to see him, and the policeman had a few drinks himself, and he ran into the alley and grabbed the old man and turned him around. He said, "What are you doing hanging here?"
122 He said, "I'm taking this little doll, sir, to my little girl."
123 He said, "Well, where do you live?" And he told him where he lived. He said, "Well, you're going away from that place, you're drunk. Go back the other way."
124 Said, "Sir, I'm--I'm not drunk. I promised my little girl I'd--I'd get her a gift for Christmas." And said, "An appropriate gift for a little girl is a little doll."
125 And he said, "Let me see it." So he showed him a little, dirty like, rag doll. And he was holding it in his... next to his bosom, holding the little doll as he... So the policeman, half drunk, himself, shoved him on and started down. The old man went down the alley, and snow falling fast.
126 † And, well, the midnight parties broke up. The next morning, the snow had let up, the sun had come out. And so they must... all the people from their great gaiety parties was... ice sacks on their heads, from too much drinking and celebration of the--the birth of Christ. And--and many of them were hoarse from carrying on, from all the going-on.
127 But way down in the alley, they found the old man. And when they turned him over, he had the little doll next to his heart. I suppose he took his gift to her. He found her in a Land not here. He--he--he took the gift. It was an appropriate gift. (God, merciful.) Yet it cost him his death. There's no other way in the world he could have give her the gift, she was buried. But the only way he could do it, would be go like that. The little doll didn't mean too much, I guess, the little dirty-faced doll, but it... what did he do it? It fulfilled a promise he had made. No matter what the people thought about it, his dirty hands on a little, dirty doll, but it--it fulfilled a promise to his little girl.
128 † Sometimes they look upon the Gospel as singing, playing, they didn't want It when God brought It, but it fulfilled a promise that He would give His Son. And you know what? They left Him to die, too, just like a tramp on the street. That's exactly right, they've left Him to die like a tramp on the street. And today they treat Him like a tramp on the street, but He fulfilled what He was supposed to do. He was the Gift that God promised to the world.
129 Tonight, let me take Him as my Saviour to my heart. Let me walk in the face of my death, or whatever it is, like that. I promised my life to Him. I want to take it to Him. No matter what I have to go, if I have to go through death, if I have to be shot; no matter what takes place, I have to be laughed at, called "crazy," everything, excommunicated from the rest of the Christian churches and so forth, I... it's a gift of God that I hold in my heart. He gave it, I want to take it to Him.
Let us bow our heads just a moment.
130 † Appropriate gifts I speak on, it was appropriate gift because the little girl... she was a little girl, to be, a little mother (would have been), an appropriate gift was the little doll. An appropriate gift that God, the Creator, could give to His creation, would be a Saviour to save us from the condition it was in. I wonder, tonight, as we're approaching Christmas now, and I suppose it'd be the last message we hear between now and Christmas, 'less we get the radio message of someone.
131 I wonder, tonight, if we've accepted the Gift that God promised us: Eternal Life, to believing on Christ and receiving the Holy Spirit. If you haven't, you'd like to accept God's real, true Christmas gift, would you raise your hand? Say, "Brother Branham, I--I don't know, I've--I've sometimes believed It. And I've watched what things I do. And I kind of, a little bit, in doubt." Don't--don't doubt It anymore, friends.
Monday, 4 July 2016
I don't want judgment. I want mercy.
E-27 † Notice. Then you see where we have gotten to. Then, this great church, when he said, "Let us build one who, all those who wants to keep the Sabbath day, who don't want to eat meat, let's build one for that; let's take Moses and his law."
I'm glad He turned our eyes from Moses. What could the law do for you? The Bible said, "No man is saved by the law." No matter how good you are, no matter how good you live, you can't be saved by the law. "It's by grace are you saved; and that not of your own: but it is God's goodness to you." The law was a policeman, the law put you in jail, but the law had no redemption to bring you out. Christ has redemption. The law says you are a sinner. Christ said, "I come to save you." I'm glad He turned His head from the law.
E-28 † What about the prophets? What about Elijah? What did he mean? He was justice. He represented God's justice. And no man can be just outside of Christ.
Elijah had a commandment from God; He went to the top of the mountain. And while he was up there, the king said, "Let's go up and get that old crank, that old holy-roller. Go up and get him." And he sent fifty men.
And that old prophet stood up, little ol' skinny body, and whiskers hanging down like a fuzzy worm, and he said, "If I be a man of God, let fire fall from Heaven and consume you." That's justice. That's what you deserve. I don't want what I deserve.
Then the king said, "Oh, perhaps there was a lightning storm went by, and a little thunder storm, and the lightning must have struck them. We'll just send another fifty, 'cause there's no such a thing as that could happen in these days." So he sent another fifty.
And Elijah raised up (justice) and said, "If I be a man of God, let fire fall from Heaven, and consume you." And another fifty went. So, it wasn't accidental, it was God's justice.
I don't want justice. I don't want judgment. I want mercy. God give me mercy, not His law, not His denominations, not His bishops; I want His love and His mercy. That's what the world is hungering for today, is His love and His mercy, God's mercy upon us. I couldn't stand His law, I can't keep His law, and He knows I don't want His justice, He would condemn me; but I'll accept His mercy.
Then, what can Jesus do for you? He can save you, He can heal you, He can give you His salvation, He can take you to Glory, He can cover your sins, He can make you love one another. He can make the Methodist shake hands with the Baptist, and the Baptist and the Presbyterian put their arms around Pentecost, and be brothers.
E-29 † I thank God for the old fashion religion. It'll make a pair of overalls set by the tuxedo suit, and hug one another, and call each other "brother." It'll make a calico dress set by a silk one, and hug one another, and call each other "sister."
But when you're all stuck up: "My church is better than yours, my pastor's got a better education than yours"; then you are still carnal. Certainly.
God give us Your mercy, and not Your judgment.
What's the matter with the world today? What's the matter, the church hasn't progressed? What's the reason the Gospel hasn't went to all the world? Is because we're still living under laws and traditions of the elders. We're trying to make ourselves denominations, and build upon them foundations, and education, and upon, oh, societies. The Church of the Living God is not built on any of them, but upon solid foundation of Christ, the Son of the Living God, through Divine love, to recognize every man as his brother. Oh, how we need that little word, four letter word of l-o-v-e. The world's perishing for it.
E-30 † Now in closing, I wish to say these remarks: The world, the sinner out yonder, friend, is not letting you build your denominations till you have the best schools; not that you can build the great spires that stick up towards the heaven. The Pharisees had all that better than you, and they were called the children of the Devil. The sinner is not trying to see how you dress; the sinner is not trying to see how much education you got, and how well your pastor can say, "Ah-man," or some well-trained voice.
If anything I hate is a well-trained voice, over-trained; stand and hold a note till they're blue in the face. They're not singing to God; they're singing to let somebody hear them.
And there's nothing more Heavenly than an old fashion Pentecostal singing, where a man couldn't carry a tune in a coal bucket, with his hands up to God, singing the praises and glory of God; and with a heart of gold in him that'll shake hands with his neighbor, and do him a favor, though he disagrees with him.
That's what the world wants to see; not how well you can speak, and how educated you are, and how you can quote Webster or Shakespeare. You ought to quote the Bible and Christ, and live like you preach, is the thing the world's waiting for: "Not preach me a sermon so much as live me one."
"If I be lifted up from the earth, I'll draw all men unto me."
58-0301E Hear Ye Him
I'm glad He turned our eyes from Moses. What could the law do for you? The Bible said, "No man is saved by the law." No matter how good you are, no matter how good you live, you can't be saved by the law. "It's by grace are you saved; and that not of your own: but it is God's goodness to you." The law was a policeman, the law put you in jail, but the law had no redemption to bring you out. Christ has redemption. The law says you are a sinner. Christ said, "I come to save you." I'm glad He turned His head from the law.
E-28 † What about the prophets? What about Elijah? What did he mean? He was justice. He represented God's justice. And no man can be just outside of Christ.
Elijah had a commandment from God; He went to the top of the mountain. And while he was up there, the king said, "Let's go up and get that old crank, that old holy-roller. Go up and get him." And he sent fifty men.
And that old prophet stood up, little ol' skinny body, and whiskers hanging down like a fuzzy worm, and he said, "If I be a man of God, let fire fall from Heaven and consume you." That's justice. That's what you deserve. I don't want what I deserve.
Then the king said, "Oh, perhaps there was a lightning storm went by, and a little thunder storm, and the lightning must have struck them. We'll just send another fifty, 'cause there's no such a thing as that could happen in these days." So he sent another fifty.
And Elijah raised up (justice) and said, "If I be a man of God, let fire fall from Heaven, and consume you." And another fifty went. So, it wasn't accidental, it was God's justice.
I don't want justice. I don't want judgment. I want mercy. God give me mercy, not His law, not His denominations, not His bishops; I want His love and His mercy. That's what the world is hungering for today, is His love and His mercy, God's mercy upon us. I couldn't stand His law, I can't keep His law, and He knows I don't want His justice, He would condemn me; but I'll accept His mercy.
Then, what can Jesus do for you? He can save you, He can heal you, He can give you His salvation, He can take you to Glory, He can cover your sins, He can make you love one another. He can make the Methodist shake hands with the Baptist, and the Baptist and the Presbyterian put their arms around Pentecost, and be brothers.
E-29 † I thank God for the old fashion religion. It'll make a pair of overalls set by the tuxedo suit, and hug one another, and call each other "brother." It'll make a calico dress set by a silk one, and hug one another, and call each other "sister."
But when you're all stuck up: "My church is better than yours, my pastor's got a better education than yours"; then you are still carnal. Certainly.
God give us Your mercy, and not Your judgment.
What's the matter with the world today? What's the matter, the church hasn't progressed? What's the reason the Gospel hasn't went to all the world? Is because we're still living under laws and traditions of the elders. We're trying to make ourselves denominations, and build upon them foundations, and education, and upon, oh, societies. The Church of the Living God is not built on any of them, but upon solid foundation of Christ, the Son of the Living God, through Divine love, to recognize every man as his brother. Oh, how we need that little word, four letter word of l-o-v-e. The world's perishing for it.
E-30 † Now in closing, I wish to say these remarks: The world, the sinner out yonder, friend, is not letting you build your denominations till you have the best schools; not that you can build the great spires that stick up towards the heaven. The Pharisees had all that better than you, and they were called the children of the Devil. The sinner is not trying to see how you dress; the sinner is not trying to see how much education you got, and how well your pastor can say, "Ah-man," or some well-trained voice.
If anything I hate is a well-trained voice, over-trained; stand and hold a note till they're blue in the face. They're not singing to God; they're singing to let somebody hear them.
And there's nothing more Heavenly than an old fashion Pentecostal singing, where a man couldn't carry a tune in a coal bucket, with his hands up to God, singing the praises and glory of God; and with a heart of gold in him that'll shake hands with his neighbor, and do him a favor, though he disagrees with him.
That's what the world wants to see; not how well you can speak, and how educated you are, and how you can quote Webster or Shakespeare. You ought to quote the Bible and Christ, and live like you preach, is the thing the world's waiting for: "Not preach me a sermon so much as live me one."
"If I be lifted up from the earth, I'll draw all men unto me."
58-0301E Hear Ye Him
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Hell looks like this ...
« 88 † Now, I never noticed it too much until about four weeks ago. The wife... Never thought of it in this terms. About four weeks ago, the wife and I went down to Tucson, to do some shopping. And while we were sitting... The wife, we went in downstairs, and--and there was a bunch of sissy-like boys had their hair ratted, you know, like the women does, and--and bangs combed down here in front, and these real high trousers on, kind of, I guess the beatniks, or ever what you call them. And they were in there, and everybody was looking at them, and their heads was that big, like the women that wears these here water-head haircuts, you know. And they were down there.
89 And a young woman came by, and she said, "What do you think about that?"
90 I said, "Then you ought to be ashamed of yourself, if you can think that." I said, "He has just as much right to do it as you do. Neither one of you have a right."
« 91 † So I went upstairs, and I sat down. And when I did, there was an escalator, it was in J.C. Penney's store, and the escalator bringing the people up. Well, I really turned sick at my stomach, seeing those women come up there; young, old, and indifferent, wrinkled, young, and every way, with little bitty shorts on; their filthy body, and those sexy dressed women, with those great big heads like that, and here they come. And one coming right off that escalator, just coming right up like that, where I was sitting back in a chair, sitting there with my head down.
« 92 † And I turned and looked. And one of them coming up the steps was saying, "Ooh," Spanish speaking, to another woman. She was a white woman speaking to the Spanish woman. And when I looked, [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] all at once I was changed. There, I had seen that before. Her eyes, you know how the women are doing now, painting their eyes, just recently, like cat, you know put it up like this, and wearing cat glasses and everything, you know, with eyes up like this, and that green stuff under their eyes. There was that thing that I seen when I was a child. There was the woman just exactly. And I just got numb all over, and begin to look around, and there was those people mumbling, you know, going on about the prices and things in the building. And I just...
« 93 † Looked like that I just changed for a moment. And I looked, and I thought, "That's what I saw in hell." There they was, that canker. I thought because they were in hell what made them that way, a greenish-blue under their eyes. And here was these women painted with greenish-blue, just the way that vision said about forty years ago.
94 See, about forty years ago, is what it's been. I'm fifty-four; I was fourteen. So about forty years ago, I... And that's the--the... That's the number, anyhow, of the judgment, you see. Now there was...
« 95 † I had seen that and I couldn't even speak to my wife when she come. She was over there trying to get Sarah and the kids something, kind of a--a dress or something for school, and I--I couldn't even... I couldn't even speak to her. She said, "Bill, what's the matter with you?"
I said, "Honey, I'm as... I'm almost a dead man."
And she said, "What's the matter? Are you sick?"
I said, "No. Something's just happened."
96 Now she don't know. She is waiting for this tape to return. I've never said it to nobody. And I thought I'd wait, as I promised, bring it to the church first. See? Bring it to the church. That was my promise. And you'll realize, after tonight, the reason I try to keep my promise. See?
« 97 † I thought then, as I noticed them cankered-looking eyes on them women. There were the Spanish, the French, and Indian, and white, and all together, but that great big heads, you know, bushed up, with that combs, the way they comb it back, way big, and then comes out. You know, you know how they do it, fix it in like they do it. And then them cankered-looking eyes, and the eyes with the paint, they run back like a cat's eyes. And them talking, and there I was again, standing there in J.C. Penney's store, back in hell again.
98 I--I--I got so scared. I thought, "Lord, surely I haven't died, and You've let me come to this place after all."
99 And there they were, making... just around like that, in that vision like, you could just barely hear it with your ears, you know. Just the mumble and going on, of people, and them women coming up that escalator and walking around there, and that, "Ooh, ooh!" There was them green, funny-looking eyes, and mournful.
« 100 † And wife come up. And I said, "Just let me alone a minute, honey." I said, "If you don't mind, I--I--I want to go home."
And she said, "Are you sick?"
101 I said, "No, just go ahead, honey, if you got any shopping to do."
She said, "No, I'm finished."
102 And I said, "Let me take you by the arm." See? And I walked out.
She said, "What's the matter?"
I said, "Meda, I--I--I... Something happened up there."
89 And a young woman came by, and she said, "What do you think about that?"
90 I said, "Then you ought to be ashamed of yourself, if you can think that." I said, "He has just as much right to do it as you do. Neither one of you have a right."
« 91 † So I went upstairs, and I sat down. And when I did, there was an escalator, it was in J.C. Penney's store, and the escalator bringing the people up. Well, I really turned sick at my stomach, seeing those women come up there; young, old, and indifferent, wrinkled, young, and every way, with little bitty shorts on; their filthy body, and those sexy dressed women, with those great big heads like that, and here they come. And one coming right off that escalator, just coming right up like that, where I was sitting back in a chair, sitting there with my head down.
« 92 † And I turned and looked. And one of them coming up the steps was saying, "Ooh," Spanish speaking, to another woman. She was a white woman speaking to the Spanish woman. And when I looked, [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] all at once I was changed. There, I had seen that before. Her eyes, you know how the women are doing now, painting their eyes, just recently, like cat, you know put it up like this, and wearing cat glasses and everything, you know, with eyes up like this, and that green stuff under their eyes. There was that thing that I seen when I was a child. There was the woman just exactly. And I just got numb all over, and begin to look around, and there was those people mumbling, you know, going on about the prices and things in the building. And I just...
« 93 † Looked like that I just changed for a moment. And I looked, and I thought, "That's what I saw in hell." There they was, that canker. I thought because they were in hell what made them that way, a greenish-blue under their eyes. And here was these women painted with greenish-blue, just the way that vision said about forty years ago.
94 See, about forty years ago, is what it's been. I'm fifty-four; I was fourteen. So about forty years ago, I... And that's the--the... That's the number, anyhow, of the judgment, you see. Now there was...
« 95 † I had seen that and I couldn't even speak to my wife when she come. She was over there trying to get Sarah and the kids something, kind of a--a dress or something for school, and I--I couldn't even... I couldn't even speak to her. She said, "Bill, what's the matter with you?"
I said, "Honey, I'm as... I'm almost a dead man."
And she said, "What's the matter? Are you sick?"
I said, "No. Something's just happened."
96 Now she don't know. She is waiting for this tape to return. I've never said it to nobody. And I thought I'd wait, as I promised, bring it to the church first. See? Bring it to the church. That was my promise. And you'll realize, after tonight, the reason I try to keep my promise. See?
« 97 † I thought then, as I noticed them cankered-looking eyes on them women. There were the Spanish, the French, and Indian, and white, and all together, but that great big heads, you know, bushed up, with that combs, the way they comb it back, way big, and then comes out. You know, you know how they do it, fix it in like they do it. And then them cankered-looking eyes, and the eyes with the paint, they run back like a cat's eyes. And them talking, and there I was again, standing there in J.C. Penney's store, back in hell again.
98 I--I--I got so scared. I thought, "Lord, surely I haven't died, and You've let me come to this place after all."
99 And there they were, making... just around like that, in that vision like, you could just barely hear it with your ears, you know. Just the mumble and going on, of people, and them women coming up that escalator and walking around there, and that, "Ooh, ooh!" There was them green, funny-looking eyes, and mournful.
« 100 † And wife come up. And I said, "Just let me alone a minute, honey." I said, "If you don't mind, I--I--I want to go home."
And she said, "Are you sick?"
101 I said, "No, just go ahead, honey, if you got any shopping to do."
She said, "No, I'm finished."
102 And I said, "Let me take you by the arm." See? And I walked out.
She said, "What's the matter?"
I said, "Meda, I--I--I... Something happened up there."
Saturday, 2 July 2016
That's a real friend...
E-4 † Brother Jack Moore, many of you has met him, a brother who stuck by me like a real brother. I tell you, Brother Moore's not very much of a person to present himself. He's not--doesn't care about being seen. It's hard to get him up even to preach in one of the meetings. But a scholar, a brother, a diplomat, a preacher, a real brother is our brother Jack Moore from Shreveport, Louisiana. Many dangers, toils, and snares, we have already come, Brother Jack and I, side by side. Whether I'm feeling good, whether I'm right, whether I'm wrong, whatever it is, Jack Moore's still my friend. That's a real friend. That's one who's...
Anyone can go with you when the--the crowds going, but wait till you're standing alone. That's when a real brother stands by you. And Brother Jack has proved to be that, through the many battles he's come with me. I love Brother Jack tonight, with undying Christian love. And some glorious day, he with all the rest, I expect to stand in God's heaven. When the last battle is fought, the smoke is dried up, the arms are stacked, the Bibles folded, the last prayer is said, the tables are shoved out, and we're all there at the wedding supper, you know, that's going to be a marvelous time. I look forward to that.
54-0722 Whatever He Saith Unto You, Do It
Anyone can go with you when the--the crowds going, but wait till you're standing alone. That's when a real brother stands by you. And Brother Jack has proved to be that, through the many battles he's come with me. I love Brother Jack tonight, with undying Christian love. And some glorious day, he with all the rest, I expect to stand in God's heaven. When the last battle is fought, the smoke is dried up, the arms are stacked, the Bibles folded, the last prayer is said, the tables are shoved out, and we're all there at the wedding supper, you know, that's going to be a marvelous time. I look forward to that.
54-0722 Whatever He Saith Unto You, Do It
Friday, 1 July 2016
Blind John Rhyn ...
E-37 † Remember up here at Fort Wayne, old John Rhyn. Not the man with the whiskers, the other blind John Rhyn. I was having a meeting up there in a big tabernacle. I'm fixing to close, go to praying for the sick. This man was setting up in the balcony. He was Catholic. They brought him along the altar, brought him up on the platform by his card.
When he come up where I was at, said, "Your name is John Rhyn."
"That's right."
"And you're a Catholic by faith."
He said, "That's right."
"You used to ride in the circus."
"That's right." Said...?... then, "You've been blind now for twenty something years or better."
Said, "That's right." And some kind of leukemia or something another got into his eyes and run him blind. I said, "You're a beggar."
And he said, "Not exactly a beggar." But said, "I set on the street."
And I said, "Well, that's all right." And I said, "Do you believe that Jesus Christ will make you well?"
He said, "I do."
I prayed for him and laid hands on him. I said, "Lord Jesus, I rebuke this blindness now in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let it leave him." And I turned around and looked, and I seen him go walking away with his sight. I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD" (You watch for that), "THUS SAITH THE LORD, you've received your sight."
Well, he--he said, "I can't see."
I said, "That has nothing to do with it. Go on on your road rejoicing." So he went down.
« E-38 † There's a woman in a few minutes, had a great goiter hanging on her throat, and while we was praying for her it went away. Here come John Rhyn back, pushing through all the ushers, and coming back again. And so the man was helping me in the prayer line, he started to put him off the platform. He said, "I want to see that preacher." And so they brought him up there again. He said; he said to me; he said, "You told me I was healed."
I said, "You are."
He said, "Well, if I was healed I could see." He said...
I said, "Oh, no, that has nothing to do with it. You told me..."
He said, "Well, you said I was healed."
I said, "You said you believed me."
He said, "I do believe you."
I said, "Then what are you doubting about?"
He said, "Well, if I was healed, couldn't I see?"
I said, "You will see. When God showed me a vision that you were seeing, it has to happen." He was Catholic and he'd never been taught anything like that.
He said, "But I don't understand it. What shall I do?"
I said, "Well, the only thing to do is go on your road just praising God for giving you your eyesight."
He said, "Where are you?" Started pushing on, said, "Wait a minute." Said, "What is your name?
And I said, "Branham."
He said, "Let me feeled you." And I let him put my hands over. He said, "Mr. Branham, as a Catholic I'm taught to believe my priest." And he said, "I've come to you for help. And you told me who I was and all about my conditions, what nobody knows but God. I believe it to be the truth, and I'll keep on saying, "Praise God." Off the platform he went.
« E-39 † Why I couldn't hardly have the service the next two nights. He'd get up there where I was at, "Praise the Lord for healing me." And I'd start preaching, he'd raise up over hollering, "Praise the Lord for healing me."
They give him a job selling papers. Nearly a month was gone, hollering, "Praise the Lord for healing me." And he was down there, he hollered, "Extra, praise the Lord for healing me." They laughed at him and made fun of him, little newsboys hissed at him.
People on the streets said, "That old man's lost his mind."
And he'd say, "Extra, extra, read all about it: Praise the Lord for healing me. Extra, read all about it: Praise the Lord for healing me."
« E-40 † They took him (And they thought they was going to have to send him to the insane institution.) and they questioned him. He said, "I'm just as normal in my mind as I ever was. But I believe God. Praise the Lord for healing me," on like that. What was it? He was holding on to that sixth sense. Something in there holding that. He wasn't paying any attention to whether he could see, that sight had nothing to do with it. He was seeing with another sight. He seen God! We look at things we don't see. All the Christian armor is by faith. He that cometh to God must believe that He is. All the fruits of the Spirit, everything is faith, unseen. We look at the unseen. We look at the unseen, by faith we see it. Hallelujah!
« E-41 † A little boy led him across the street to get a shave in a barbershop. And some little smart-aleck barber wanted to make some fun out of him. So he lathered up his face right good. And other barbers and he winked his eyes at him like that. He said... Got shaving him, got about half side down, had towel laying up there, you know, and he said, "Say, papa Rhyn."
He said, "Yes, son."
Said, "I heard you go over to see the holy-roller when he was up here."
"Yeah, I did," he said.
He said, "Um, I heard that you--you got healed."
He said, "Yes, I did. Praise the Lord for healing me." And when he did that, his eyes come open in the barber chair. Out of that chair he jumped with the towel around his neck. The barber run to the door with the razor in his hand. Down the street went old man Rhyn just as hard as he could go, screaming and shouting, "Praise the Lord, He has healed me."
« E-42 † What was it? Holding on that sixth sense. That's something that makes it real. Yes sir. Through this sixth sense has subdued kingdoms. Amen. The sixth sense subdued kingdoms. Through that sixth sense the walls of Jericho fell flat to the ground. Amen. You believe that? The walls of Jericho hit the ground through the sixth sense.
Through the sixth sense the sea could not drown Paul. When he went down there, when all hopes was gone, he saw a vision of the Angel of the Lord. And he come back up saying, "Be of a good courage." What was a matter? No moon and stars for fourteen days and nights, it was just as black as it ever was. The storm was just as great as it ever was. But that sixth sense went to work when he seen the Angel of the Lord. Hallelujah.
That sixth sense could not keep Peter in jail. No, sir. The power of God sent an Angel in there and delivered him.
The sixth sense could not keep Paul and Silas in stocks. God sent an earthquake and shook the whole thing down.
That sixth sense, let it go to work for you sometime. Because of that sixth sense the lions couldn't even eat Daniel. They couldn't fool with that sixth sense. No, sir.
By that sixth sense the fire couldn't burn the Hebrew children up.
By that same sixth sense that was working in little Martha, when she come to see Jesus raised her brother out of the grave, after being dead for four days...
That same sixth sense cleaned a leper. That same sixth sense raised up Jesus Christ on the third day. That same sixth sense will rapture the Church one of these days and take it out of here to glory.
When he come up where I was at, said, "Your name is John Rhyn."
"That's right."
"And you're a Catholic by faith."
He said, "That's right."
"You used to ride in the circus."
"That's right." Said...?... then, "You've been blind now for twenty something years or better."
Said, "That's right." And some kind of leukemia or something another got into his eyes and run him blind. I said, "You're a beggar."
And he said, "Not exactly a beggar." But said, "I set on the street."
And I said, "Well, that's all right." And I said, "Do you believe that Jesus Christ will make you well?"
He said, "I do."
I prayed for him and laid hands on him. I said, "Lord Jesus, I rebuke this blindness now in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let it leave him." And I turned around and looked, and I seen him go walking away with his sight. I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD" (You watch for that), "THUS SAITH THE LORD, you've received your sight."
Well, he--he said, "I can't see."
I said, "That has nothing to do with it. Go on on your road rejoicing." So he went down.
« E-38 † There's a woman in a few minutes, had a great goiter hanging on her throat, and while we was praying for her it went away. Here come John Rhyn back, pushing through all the ushers, and coming back again. And so the man was helping me in the prayer line, he started to put him off the platform. He said, "I want to see that preacher." And so they brought him up there again. He said; he said to me; he said, "You told me I was healed."
I said, "You are."
He said, "Well, if I was healed I could see." He said...
I said, "Oh, no, that has nothing to do with it. You told me..."
He said, "Well, you said I was healed."
I said, "You said you believed me."
He said, "I do believe you."
I said, "Then what are you doubting about?"
He said, "Well, if I was healed, couldn't I see?"
I said, "You will see. When God showed me a vision that you were seeing, it has to happen." He was Catholic and he'd never been taught anything like that.
He said, "But I don't understand it. What shall I do?"
I said, "Well, the only thing to do is go on your road just praising God for giving you your eyesight."
He said, "Where are you?" Started pushing on, said, "Wait a minute." Said, "What is your name?
And I said, "Branham."
He said, "Let me feeled you." And I let him put my hands over. He said, "Mr. Branham, as a Catholic I'm taught to believe my priest." And he said, "I've come to you for help. And you told me who I was and all about my conditions, what nobody knows but God. I believe it to be the truth, and I'll keep on saying, "Praise God." Off the platform he went.
« E-39 † Why I couldn't hardly have the service the next two nights. He'd get up there where I was at, "Praise the Lord for healing me." And I'd start preaching, he'd raise up over hollering, "Praise the Lord for healing me."
They give him a job selling papers. Nearly a month was gone, hollering, "Praise the Lord for healing me." And he was down there, he hollered, "Extra, praise the Lord for healing me." They laughed at him and made fun of him, little newsboys hissed at him.
People on the streets said, "That old man's lost his mind."
And he'd say, "Extra, extra, read all about it: Praise the Lord for healing me. Extra, read all about it: Praise the Lord for healing me."
« E-40 † They took him (And they thought they was going to have to send him to the insane institution.) and they questioned him. He said, "I'm just as normal in my mind as I ever was. But I believe God. Praise the Lord for healing me," on like that. What was it? He was holding on to that sixth sense. Something in there holding that. He wasn't paying any attention to whether he could see, that sight had nothing to do with it. He was seeing with another sight. He seen God! We look at things we don't see. All the Christian armor is by faith. He that cometh to God must believe that He is. All the fruits of the Spirit, everything is faith, unseen. We look at the unseen. We look at the unseen, by faith we see it. Hallelujah!
« E-41 † A little boy led him across the street to get a shave in a barbershop. And some little smart-aleck barber wanted to make some fun out of him. So he lathered up his face right good. And other barbers and he winked his eyes at him like that. He said... Got shaving him, got about half side down, had towel laying up there, you know, and he said, "Say, papa Rhyn."
He said, "Yes, son."
Said, "I heard you go over to see the holy-roller when he was up here."
"Yeah, I did," he said.
He said, "Um, I heard that you--you got healed."
He said, "Yes, I did. Praise the Lord for healing me." And when he did that, his eyes come open in the barber chair. Out of that chair he jumped with the towel around his neck. The barber run to the door with the razor in his hand. Down the street went old man Rhyn just as hard as he could go, screaming and shouting, "Praise the Lord, He has healed me."
« E-42 † What was it? Holding on that sixth sense. That's something that makes it real. Yes sir. Through this sixth sense has subdued kingdoms. Amen. The sixth sense subdued kingdoms. Through that sixth sense the walls of Jericho fell flat to the ground. Amen. You believe that? The walls of Jericho hit the ground through the sixth sense.
Through the sixth sense the sea could not drown Paul. When he went down there, when all hopes was gone, he saw a vision of the Angel of the Lord. And he come back up saying, "Be of a good courage." What was a matter? No moon and stars for fourteen days and nights, it was just as black as it ever was. The storm was just as great as it ever was. But that sixth sense went to work when he seen the Angel of the Lord. Hallelujah.
That sixth sense could not keep Peter in jail. No, sir. The power of God sent an Angel in there and delivered him.
The sixth sense could not keep Paul and Silas in stocks. God sent an earthquake and shook the whole thing down.
That sixth sense, let it go to work for you sometime. Because of that sixth sense the lions couldn't even eat Daniel. They couldn't fool with that sixth sense. No, sir.
By that sixth sense the fire couldn't burn the Hebrew children up.
By that same sixth sense that was working in little Martha, when she come to see Jesus raised her brother out of the grave, after being dead for four days...
That same sixth sense cleaned a leper. That same sixth sense raised up Jesus Christ on the third day. That same sixth sense will rapture the Church one of these days and take it out of here to glory.
The devil's stirrups ...
Now, you become so cultinized; you become so organized, till each one of you little petty organizations believe that, "This is now. And now, I--I belong to this. I belong to that."
Oh, you poor miserable person. If that's all you've got to hang to, God be merciful to your sinful soul. The time is come when the clergyman has raised up to be some kind of actors in a skit. What's the matter today? They don't have the old fashion religion they used to have.
Today you got too much Hollywood evangelism, some little sissified guy with manicured hair, and stand up to a bunch of women with earrings hanging down like the devil's stirrups, and enough paint on their face to paint a barn, and bobbed hair, and every... That used to be a sin among you Holiness people. What happened? You did run well. The Bible still says it's a sin. That's right.
But oh, my, you saintly people, you bob your hair and you... Oh, you do all these things. Now, don't get angry. If it makes you sick, just take it anyhow. It'll do you good. That's right.
E-86 † Oh, you Pentecostal people used to be very holy, but what happened? You did run well. Paul said, "What does hinder you?" If it was a sin then, it's a sin now. The devil might've went out of fashion, but he didn't go out of business. He's still in business. That's right.
You know that's the truth. No use squirming around about it. You know that's the truth. Yes, sir. But what is it? It's a sign of the end time.
Oh, you poor miserable person. If that's all you've got to hang to, God be merciful to your sinful soul. The time is come when the clergyman has raised up to be some kind of actors in a skit. What's the matter today? They don't have the old fashion religion they used to have.
Today you got too much Hollywood evangelism, some little sissified guy with manicured hair, and stand up to a bunch of women with earrings hanging down like the devil's stirrups, and enough paint on their face to paint a barn, and bobbed hair, and every... That used to be a sin among you Holiness people. What happened? You did run well. The Bible still says it's a sin. That's right.
But oh, my, you saintly people, you bob your hair and you... Oh, you do all these things. Now, don't get angry. If it makes you sick, just take it anyhow. It'll do you good. That's right.
E-86 † Oh, you Pentecostal people used to be very holy, but what happened? You did run well. Paul said, "What does hinder you?" If it was a sin then, it's a sin now. The devil might've went out of fashion, but he didn't go out of business. He's still in business. That's right.
You know that's the truth. No use squirming around about it. You know that's the truth. Yes, sir. But what is it? It's a sign of the end time.
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