Friday, 23 September 2016

If the hearts of the people were right, we would lock arms and hearts with each other and pool our efforts together ...

Jesus said that a weak and adulterous generation seeketh after signs, and the sign that would be given them, would be as Jonas the prophet laid in the belly of the whale for three days and nights, and come out, that would be the sign given: the sign of the resurrection would be the sign. 

16 And if today, the day that we live in, that there's so much said about signs and there's so much petty jealousies about signs… And if you'll notice, it doesn't only lay in the church, but it lays in the—the realms of the scientific world, or the professional world. For instance, the medical doctor… The medical doctor say, "You do not need an operation. Don't go over there, for he's nothing but a butcher." And the surgeon will turn around and said, "Don't take those sugar pills; you need an operation." The osteopathic will say about the chiropractic, "He'll break your neck." And the chiropractor will say to the osteopath, "What good does it do to rub the outside; you have get to the inside." The preacher will say, "The Methodists has nothing to do in it. We Baptists has got it." The Pentecostal have said, "The Apostolics don't even know the Bible," and vice versa. Our—our evangelists has the word; they are the gifted men. And the doctors will say, "The preacher ought not to practice divine healing." And the preacher will say, "The doctor's not even in the picture." It all goes to show one thing: it's the wrong motive. And we know that each of those professions does good, for we hear of people that are helped. And if the hearts of the people were right, we would lock arms and hearts with each other and pool our efforts together to try to help our fellow man to make life's journey a little more pleasant to him. 

17 But it's money. If the operation's performed, the doctor may be out of giving his pills. If the—if the vice versa, and to each one… And each denomination thinks if they say something good about the—the evangelists of the other denomination will hurt them. Oh, it's the motives: we ought to have the right type of motive to try to be—to help our fellowman. Jesus said, "If you do not love your brother who you have seen, how can you love God Who you have not seen?" And I believe if we would put our efforts together and pray, and help, and try with everything that we can, it would make life more pleasant for all of us, and God would bless us more. Now, but we find out that those things exist.

   57-0517 - The Queen Of Sheba

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