177 One time down in Kentucky I was
having a meeting, an old fellow come out, and he said, "Oh, I don't
believe that healing." And I said, "Well, it's all right, you're
American." He said, "I—I don't believe anything 'less I see it."
And I said, "Well, it's all right." He said, "Now, I ain't got
nothing against you, but I—I don't believe what you're saying." I said,
"It's your own American privilege, you don't have to." He said,
"Now, I never accept nothing 'less I can see it plainly." Hmm! I
said, "Well, now I… that's—that's good, you must be from Missouri."
Said, "No, I'm a Kentuckian." Whew! "Don't sound very good for
Kentucky," I said. "But, anyhow," I said, "if you… that's
the way you think, you go ahead." And he said—he said… I said, "How
you going home?" He said, "I'm going across the hill. I live over…
Well, go over with me." Nice man. Said, "Go home with me, stay all
night, Brother Branham." I said, "I wished I could, brother. But, I
said, "I'm going up here with my uncle." And he said… I said,
"You want to ride over?" Said, "No, I got to go up across the
hill up there, up this way, and down a hollow, and up," you know how it is
down there. And I said, "Well," I said, "how you going to get
there?" He said, "I'm going up the path there." "Why,"
I said, "you can't even see your hand before you." I said, "How
you going to get up there?" Said, "I got a lantern!" And I said,
"Well, how do you… What do you do, light that lantern and then walk with
it?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "When you light that
lantern, can you hold it up high like this? I'd like to see your house."
He said, "You can't see it." I said, "Then how you going to get
there?" "Oh," he said, "I'll just light the lantern; and as
I walk, it… I just walk as the light… " I said, "That's just it.
Amen, just walk in the Light."
198 Just keep walking! Don't stand still,
you'll never get no where. If you've been saved, walk to sanctification. You
say, "How do you get there?" Just keep walking. "Is the baptism
of the Holy Ghost after sanctification? How do I get that?" Just keep
walking in the Light. "Is signs, wonders, and miracles… ?" Just keep
walking in the Light. See? Just keep on! Every time you make a step, the Light
will jump just a little ahead of you, 'cause He's always ahead of you. He don't
push, He leads. He is the Light. Oh, I'm so glad of that. Aren't you? He is the
Light, in Him there is no darkness.
60-1205 - The Ephesian Church Age
Rev. William Marrion Branham
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