233 Oh. I read a story one time; it's a--may
fit in good right here. A farmer caught a crow, and he tied him. And he said,
"I'll teach the other crows a lesson." So he tied the old crow,
and--by a leg with a string, and the poor old thing like starved to death. He
was so weak, he could hardly walk around. That's what some of these
organizations and churches has tied the people down. Just can't... "Well,
this is all the farther you can go. Days of miracles is past." Yeah,
you're just tied. That's all. "There is no such a thing as the Holy Ghost.
He don't speak in tongues like He used to." He's God. "He's just the
same yesterday, today, and forever," Hebrews 13:8, living in all the
churches. We'll get to it after the setting of this morning. See, He's God that
lives in every church age. He will live in every church age, and will live in
His people for eternity. For we have now within us Eternal Life.
236 So this denomination had tied him down
(See?), "Well, the days of miracles is past. There's no such a thing as
Divine healing." The poor old fellow hobbled along till he was so poor he
could hardly walk. And one day there was a good man come by, and he said,
"You know, that poor old crow, I feel so sorry for him. After all, he
might've been getting his corn; that's the only way he makes a living; he's got
to have something to eat. So he didn't know any difference; he was just out
there getting corn." So if... Then he took his... And he took his knife
and cut the old crow loose. And you know... Here come the other crows, come
over and said, "Come on, Johnny Crow. Let's go south, cold weather is
a-coming." You know what? That crow would just go as far as he could go
out there, and he said, "I can't do it. It's not... It's just not for us
in this day. We--we just can't do it." See? He had been tied so long, until
he had thought he was still tied. See?
240 And that's the way with a lot of people;
you're tied down with creeds and denominations from the old mother prostitute
back there, telling you that Jesus Christ isn't the same, and there's no such a
thing as healing. There's no baptism of the Holy Ghost. There's none of this
stuff like that. Trying to tell you them... You been tied so long till you
still think you're tied. The good Man, Christ, gave His Blood that He might
wash us and loose us from our sin. What is sin? I'll ask anybody to tell me
what is sin. Sin is unbelief. That's right, "He that believeth not is
condemned already." And your sin is your only thing that keeps you from
being free. Is because God cut you loose from your unbelief, but you're so
bound with creeds till you still think you're tied, just starving to death
(See?), hobbling around, "I'm Presbyterian. I'm Methodist. I'm Baptist.
They tell me I'm Church of Christ. The days of miracles is past; there's no
such a thing." You poor starved crow, why don't you come along this
morning? Why don't you fly away? Hallelujah. Rise up with the wings of a
morning, and fly away to the Son of Righteousness with healing on His wings.
Amen. That's it. That's it, brother, sister. Oh. He who the Son has cut free,
is free indeed. Yes, sir.
244 "Well, my pastor..." Nothing
about that, the Bible said you're free. That's right. You're free. "My
church..." Well, get cut loose. "Has washed us and loosed us from our
denominations in His own Blood," and has made us free so we can think for
ourself, and do for ourself, and talk for ourself, and act for ourself.
"Well, if I went back and told the pastor I had to be rebaptized, he
would..." What about, "You are free"? This is a revelation, you
know. All right, you're free. If you've been sprinkled with a little salt shake
like this, in the name of "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," there's a
pool setting here, ready this morning, with water in it. See? Yes, sir, it's
not right. So you're not bound anymore. You're free, but maybe you don't know
it. But let me tell you this morning; the Bible said He loosed us from our
sins, our unbelief, that we might receive the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Go
away free... Have to take what any church says about it. Take what God said
about it. Here's His Revelation revealing Who He is.
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