Tuesday, 29 January 2013

A Prophet's Message...

People claim to believe this Message, nearly every tot and tittle.
They say “it’s mostly all the truth, yet all but just a little.”
They say “he said this over here, and that was fine with me.
But over there it’s changed and different, and now I disagree.”
“How could a prophet change his message, and different things he’d say?
I believe he’s clearly a man of God, but many mistakes he made.”
To those, I must stand against you:
This Message wasn’t changed at all, just told in different ways.
Look at Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and read me what they say.
They’re all God’s Word, though slightly different; they’re still the truth indeed.
God’s living Word can never change; it’s perfect to those who believe.
Let's look at Moses as God to the people, when told to speak to the rock.
Yet he smote it through anger, and disobeyed; flowing water still came as a shock.
ALL that God’s prophet has spoken, has flawlessly come to pass.
Yet still you doubt this Message, and for this I must ask:
How can you claim him a prophet, yet only be partially right?
Such belief is imminent risk of ruin; you’re in grave need of spiritual sight.
You say his teaching is rotten, but his prophesies on the spot?
Whoever heard of such tommyrot? It's either of God or it’s not.
Do not the Scriptures read, that the Word comes only to the prophets, and the prophets are the ONES to tell?
To discredit them is to discredit God; you’re in danger of a burning hell.
So believe we must this perfect Word, from beginning to the end.
Every tote and every tittle, it’s a spotless harmonious blend.
Truly this Message is blinding, to some we surely see.
But to others it’s truth to the very last Word, and with them there is me!

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