Friday, 30 September 2016

Just keep walking! Don't stand still, you'll never get no where.

177 One time down in Kentucky I was having a meeting, an old fellow come out, and he said, "Oh, I don't believe that healing." And I said, "Well, it's all right, you're American." He said, "I—I don't believe anything 'less I see it." And I said, "Well, it's all right." He said, "Now, I ain't got nothing against you, but I—I don't believe what you're saying." I said, "It's your own American privilege, you don't have to." He said, "Now, I never accept nothing 'less I can see it plainly." Hmm! I said, "Well, now I… that's—that's good, you must be from Missouri." Said, "No, I'm a Kentuckian." Whew! "Don't sound very good for Kentucky," I said. "But, anyhow," I said, "if you… that's the way you think, you go ahead." And he said—he said… I said, "How you going home?" He said, "I'm going across the hill. I live over… Well, go over with me." Nice man. Said, "Go home with me, stay all night, Brother Branham." I said, "I wished I could, brother. But, I said, "I'm going up here with my uncle." And he said… I said, "You want to ride over?" Said, "No, I got to go up across the hill up there, up this way, and down a hollow, and up," you know how it is down there. And I said, "Well," I said, "how you going to get there?" He said, "I'm going up the path there." "Why," I said, "you can't even see your hand before you." I said, "How you going to get up there?" Said, "I got a lantern!" And I said, "Well, how do you… What do you do, light that lantern and then walk with it?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "When you light that lantern, can you hold it up high like this? I'd like to see your house." He said, "You can't see it." I said, "Then how you going to get there?" "Oh," he said, "I'll just light the lantern; and as I walk, it… I just walk as the light… " I said, "That's just it. Amen, just walk in the Light." 

198 Just keep walking! Don't stand still, you'll never get no where. If you've been saved, walk to sanctification. You say, "How do you get there?" Just keep walking. "Is the baptism of the Holy Ghost after sanctification? How do I get that?" Just keep walking in the Light. "Is signs, wonders, and miracles… ?" Just keep walking in the Light. See? Just keep on! Every time you make a step, the Light will jump just a little ahead of you, 'cause He's always ahead of you. He don't push, He leads. He is the Light. Oh, I'm so glad of that. Aren't you? He is the Light, in Him there is no darkness.

   60-1205 - The Ephesian Church Age
   Rev. William Marrion Branham

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Man's measured by character.

38 When God made a man first, he made him both male and female in spirit. He made him in His Own image, and God is a Spirit. When He separated him, and put him in flesh, he put the masculine spirit in a man, and the feminish spirit in a woman. And if anything's contrary to that, there's a bit of perversion there. Exactly. You see a woman trying to act like a man, there's a little something wrong there. The cell's crossed up somewhere. That's right. You see a man so sissified that he won't preach against sin or nothing else like that, to hurt somebody's feelings, there's a cross up there somewhere too, not only his natural birth, but spiritual birth. 

Oh, what we need today is that a man be a man, a woman, a lady. God intend them be that way: dress different. Say, "You're hammering us women." Now I'm going to tell you about the man. Any man that'll let his wife smoke cigarettes, and wear them shorts, and act like that, there's very little man in him, to my opinion. That's right. I've got my opinion of a man that'll let his wife do that. I—I sure have. "Well, what's the matter?," you say. Well, brother, here's what it is. Man is not measured by strength this way. "Oh," say, "that guy's a man; he's six foot tall, got muscles that big." I've seen a many of them weigh two hundred pounds, six foot and half tall, and not an ounce of man in them. Throw a baby out of a mother's arms and ravish her. 
Man's not measured… That's brute. That's brute, strength is. Man's measured by character. There never was a man like Jesus Christ, never measured up to Him. And the Bible said, "There's no beauty we should desire Him." Didn't look like a King; He was a little, bitty Fellow, probably stooped, little small in stature, but there never was a man like Him. Man is measured by character, not by brutal strength.

   60-0805 - Lamb And Dove
   Rev. William Marrion Branham

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Why, didn't you receive it?

28 Person who will get a grammar school education, stick their hat on the side their head, and put a fifty dollar coat around it, and walk out here thinking you're something, remember, you was born just like anybody else was born. You had the same messy birth that anybody else had. Let me tell you: you're nothing anyhow to begin with. And then, if—the only way you'll ever get out of that condition is to be reborn by the Spirit of God, and It does something to you that makes your head in above the eagles, 'cause you're reborn. And God's going to ask you, "Why, didn't you receive it? What's the matter? What was the cause?" Well, it's not going to be because you say, "I never heard it preached," because you have. If you didn't go to the church, you heard it on the radio sometime; you see it in the papers, on tracts on the street. You've heard it. God's going to say, "Why didn't you? Why? I made the way. I sent My man. I sent My apostles. I sent My prophets. I sent My Holy Spirit. I showed signs and wonders. I proved by these operations of these gifts, and by the preaching of the Gospel, through the Bible, that It was Me. Now, why, didn't you receive it?" There you are. 

29 Reminds me like in… Someone asked me the question the other night about Hebrews 10, where they who willfully have sinned, willfully, and have to renew themselves unto repentance. Why, there's nothing left for them, but the fearful looking for the judgment. "He that despise Moses' law, died under two or three witnesses. How much sorer punishment, suppose though worthy, who has trod the Blood of Jesus Christ under their feet, and counted It an unholy thing, done despite to the works of grace…" I said, "You read over in Deuteronomy 14, where that those spies, Israelites, went with Caleb and Joshua right up to the border land, and they tasted the grapes that come from the land. But when they went back, they were unbelieving and cowards, said, 'Oh, we can't take it; it's too much for us. Oh, they look like grasshoppers, we do, up beside of them. The cities are all walled in. We cannot take it.' But Caleb stilled them, and Joshua, said, 'We can take it. We're more than able. Yet, we being the minority, but we can take it.' Why? Those spies was looking at conditions, what the price they'd have to pay, but Caleb and Joshua was looking at a promise of God. God said, 'I have given you that land, go possess it.'" 

30 Glory. The Holy Ghost is for whosoever's called to this wedding supper. I don't care what price you have to pay, go get it. God said it's yours. If you don't get it, then He's going to ask you, "Why didn't you get it? Why? It was there for you." If they didn't possess the land, why? "There was too many against us." He said, "Well, if God said, 'If I'm for you, who could be against you?'" It's there. What's the matter? There's something wrong with the individual. Now, now, watch. He said, "Many…"

   60-0309 - Why?

   Rev. William Marrion Branham

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

That's the fellow, if ever turns away, there's no more remission for him.

31 You take a young minister feels the call of God in his heart. He will repent of his sins, go off to school and get his education, which is fine. He will come back, and he will still smoke cigarettes, maybe. Maybe, he's still got a lustful spirit, and he will say, "Oh, I don't want that, Lord, take it away from me." The Spirit of God will come and sanctify his soul, and take that desire away from him. Then he will be brought right up to the borderline, set right in the meetings, and watch the working of the Holy Spirit, see others get healed, hear them speak with tongues, and see signs and wonders done. They'll set around and watch it, but afraid to put their hand on it. That's that borderline believer; that's the fellow, if ever turns away, there's no more remission for him. Stand right up here, and even look over into the land, who's received the knowledge of the truth, had a knowledge of the truth, knowed that that was right, but because of prestige, "Well, if I do this, it'll do this. And if I accept that, it'll do this." See? They refuse it, walk away from it. And he said, "And count the Blood of the Covenant, wherewith he was sanctified," that far to bring him up on a step to look over into and have a knowledge of it. He was saved and sanctified, but comes up here to look over to receive the Holy Ghost, that new birth, he wants nothing to do with it. He will say, "Oh, I guess that's all right for them kind of people, but me, oh, it's all right, but I will someday." Now, there's the trouble, that man is sick and don't want to take the doctor's medicine.

60-0309 - Why?

Monday, 26 September 2016

Anything without emotion, scientifically is dead.

26 I remember one time I was preaching at my tabernacle, years ago, and there was… when the… I was a Missionary Baptist, and the First Baptist Church downtown, the Sunday school teacher was up there and standing on the outside. And I always did believe in holiness. I believe that a man, if he's borned of the Spirit of God, and led by the Holy Spirit, he will live right. He has to, because the life of God's in him. And then this little fellow was their Sunday school teacher, and we didn't believe our… Our church didn't have any baseball team. They did down there, because they'd bring them in playing Sunday baseball, and things. We didn't believe in it. So this fellow said, "Billy, I was up to hear you the other night." I said, "Yes, I didn't see you." He said, "Oh, I come up; I stood outside." Said, "It was a big crowd inside, and I didn't want to stand in." Said, "I stood outside," but said, "I appreciated your message, but I—I just simply couldn't understand what you were saying, because some woman raised up back there and started crying, run up there to the altar with her hands up, crying." Said, "I didn't get the last part of your message." Said, "And that woman started crying, she said, "I—I just felt…" He said, "I felt like I—I almost froze to death." I said, "Brother, you better change a whole lot. If you ever get to heaven, you will freeze to death up there, because there's going to be plenty of screaming and shouting up there." And he said, "Don't you think that's emotion?" I said, "Sir, anything without emotion, scientifically is dead. And any church or any person that's borned of the Holy Spirit, says God, hasn't got a little emotion about them, is dead."

60-0309 - Why?