And always remember, accept that Voice that said, “Follow Me,” and
you'll always come out right. I believe you will. I got confidence in
you. But just always remember that Jesus, that Voice, is alive in the
earth tonight. Just the same, as every voice and every word we spoke is
still alive, when that voice goes out on that ether wave of the air.
The…See, you got a transmitter here that sends it out. You are the
transmitter that sends it out. Now it takes the station to pick it up.
And Jesus was the Transmitter of God's Word, for He was the—the triunity
of God manifested in one Man. He was complete God and complete Man. And
the trinity of God, the trinity of the attributes of God, as being
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, was represented in that one Man, Jesus
Christ. So, there, He was the Word. And He was the Transmitter that
said, “He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has
Eternal Life.”
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