Friday, 18 November 2016

What is a good class of people?

156 What is a good class of people? A people that’s born of the Spirit of God.
If they’re so poor they don’t know where the next meal is coming from. That’s the only class of people that’s worth anything. They’re the people that’s born again.

61-0903 - Let Your Light So Shine Before Men

Rev. William Marrion Branham

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Serving God?

Every time that a man really steps out to serve God, he goes through testing. God gives you a little training, child training. It is not very pleasant the Bible said, for a while, but it yieldeth forth peaceful fruits".

Jehovah Jireh 57-0612

Friday, 21 October 2016

Christianity is the life that a man lives. It's a personal experience.

112 Oh, what we need tonight, friends, is one of them old-fashion meetings we used to have years ago, to sweep the whole nation. Where, people went home, they straightened up their home, they taken the—the evils out of their home, they stopped all their nonsense around home. Each and every home, they had it straight on the line. And they quit their meanness. They quit their cheating. They quit their lying. They lived honest and soberly with one another; lived like Christians ought to. That's the kind of religion. 
113 And, today, the… that same kind of religion that we have, has branched off and branched off till it's become so patterned till it's a Hollywood show, almost. Now, you know that's the truth. And we go into a place, set up a big band of music, and play music, and carry on, and act like, pretending, Christians. But go to them and cross one up one time, and watch what you get. See? 
114 Christianity is longsuffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience. Is that right? "Christ, when He was reviled, He reviled not again." Is that right? Christianity is the life that a man lives. It's a personal experience. Not… 
115 But some say, "So this guy, I know this fellow does this. I know he can—he can pray for the sick and they'll get well." That don't mean he's a Christian. Faith will do anything. 
116 And if you'd only get through the place, as Christians, our little group here at the tabernacle, you all, if you'd only see how that witches and wizards work miracles. Sure, they do. 
117 And they have all the demonstrations that Christianity produces, but they can't be Christians. Watch their lives, what they do. 
118 The people right there even take living with other women, adultery, as a religion, and them same people does signs and wonders. Not in…
54-1003E - Jubilee Year
Rev. William Marrion Branham

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Salvation is an individual affair with God

109 Now, I've seen heathens shout. That's right. I've seen people go around and perform such funny-looking things, till you would, you can believe anything. Pour a rope out of a sack, like that, do some hocus-pocus over it, and the rope stand right straight up in the air. Take a big cobra, and him striking, whether he's got fangs or not; throw a rag out there, and watch his fangs hang in the rags. Go around there, and play a little music over him, and chant, and roll him around his neck. That cobra just looking at him, act like he's going to strike, and then hold back. Don't get near him; he'd kill you. 
110 And I've seen them stand out there and walk through beds of fire, when the coals was burnt down. Take off what they had on, walk right down through those fire coals without doing anything, no harm at all. Go into a big pen, beat up, full of glass, and sticking up like that; run and make a big jump in it and lay there and roll over and over and over, and get up, with not a cut on them; jump back out. That's faith, but, brother, that ain't salvation. No, sir. Oh, such, the cunning ways the devil has to deceive people. 
111 Salvation is an individual affair with God Almighty, through Jesus Christ the Lord.
54-1003E - Jubilee Year
Rev. William Marrion Branham

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Just a perversion, right around.

189 I like to see a man when he's a man. I hate to see one with his wife's underclothes on out here, and slipped up along the side; and—and a roller hanging down here in front, and two cones of hair hanging down like bangs, cut in front. That, I—I couldn't call that a man. He don't know what side of the race he belongs on. See? That's right. You see the woman, look, the woman is trying to cut her, make her hair like the man; the man is trying to make his hair, bangs, like the woman. The man is wearing his wife's underneath clothes; she is wearing his overalls. See, just a perversion, right around. 
190 And that's the same thing it is with nation, with people, with churches, with everything. O God! Where is the end of the thing? The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, that's the end of it.
65-0919 - Thirst
Rev. William Marrion Branham

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

But I sure hate to hear that squeaking they call singing ...

My daughter called me in, not long ago, and said to me, "Daddy," in the next side of the house, she said, "come over here, we're going to have a religious program on." It was a singing, hymn singing, and there was some little Ricky reading it up there. And if I ever seen a sacrilegious movement, it was that! Them guys up there, and people, looked more like it was a floorshow. Supposed to be an Indian tribe, and they were carrying on, and—and jump up and box at one another. 
188 Where, what's went with the sincerity, where is those old-fashion hymns we used to sing, and rejoice in the Spirit of God, and tears roll down our cheeks? And now we try to hold our breath until we ain't got enough breath in us, till our face turns blue, to try to show that we are some sort of a singer. See, we've copied that off of Hollywood, and all these programs that we see through this intellectual hymn sing and training of voice. I—I like to hear good singing; I like to hear good old-fashion, heartfelt, pentecostal singing. But I sure hate to hear that squeaking they call singing, today. That's right. I think that's the most ridiculous thing. It's a perversion. That's right.
65-0919 - Thirst
Rev. William Marrion Branham
My daughter called me in, not long ago, and said to me, "Daddy," in the next side of the house, she said, "come over here, we're going to have a religious program on." It was a singing, hymn singing, and there was some little Ricky reading it up there. And if I ever seen a sacrilegious movement, it was that! Them guys up there, and people, looked more like it was a floorshow. Supposed to be an Indian tribe, and they were carrying on, and—and jump up and box at one another. 188 Where, what's went with the sincerity, where is those old-fashion hymns we used to sing, and rejoice in the Spirit of God, and tears roll down our cheeks? And now we try to hold our breath until we ain't got enough breath in us, till our face turns blue, to try to show that we are some sort of a singer. See, we've copied that off of Hollywood, and all these programs that we see through this intellectual hymn sing and training of voice. I—I like to hear good singing; I like to hear good old-fashion, heartfelt, pentecostal singing. But I sure hate to hear that squeaking they call singing, today. That's right. I think that's the most ridiculous thing. It's a perversion. That's right.
   65-0919 - Thirst
   Rev. William Marrion Branham

Saturday, 15 October 2016

We're going to Heaven

72 We're going to Heaven, not out here somewhere to a rally or something to have a lot of fun and run over one another, and play baseball. We're here handling the most gracious thing there is on earth, the Word of God, and it's to be carried on in godly order.


Friday, 14 October 2016

If he doesn't, he's going to be confused

36    As the pastor has to do himself before he comes into the audience; he must take the Bible, study in the quietness of his room, in the Spirit, and be anointed to come out before the audience to speak. If he doesn't, he's going to be confused when he gets out there. (Let each man and each woman, with a spiritual gift, come before the Lord.)

63-1226  CHURCH.ORDER_

Thursday, 13 October 2016

It's subject to the prophet, and the Word is the prophet

30 When you see a man that you have to correct, or a woman, and that person gets out of order, and then you're telling him the Scriptural Truth, then it shows that the spirit that's on them isn't of God. Because the Bible said, "The spirit of the prophets," or, "prophesying," that's, testifying, preaching, speaking in tongues, or whatever it is, 'cause tongues interpreted is prophecy. So it's subject to the prophet, and the Word is the prophet. So we--we see that it's out of order for a man or a woman to jump up and give a message, no matter how much they want to do it, while the preacher is in the pulpit.


Wednesday, 12 October 2016

They don't know how to control them

27 Now, that's just the same thing we find with gifts today. That's the reason God cannot trust too many spiritual gifts with people, they don't know how to control them. That's what's the matter today, the reason we don't have no more than we do.


Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Turn him down just immediately; you're brethren; and it's the enemy.

And remember, God is looking to me to see that I stay in the Word. And I'm looking to you to see that you carry out the Word, see, see, in this church. And keep it spiritual, for, remember, all the forces of--of the dark kingdom of Satan will be turned against you as you begin to grow in the Lord. And you must be soldiers, not just fresh recruits. You're aged soldiers now, and been trained to fight. And Satan will come among you and cause you to dispute with one another if he can. Turn him down just immediately; you're brethren; and it's the enemy. And we're here to hold a standard in this evening Light time, that, when the world is darkened and the whole church kingdom is going into the Council of Churches. And pretty soon they'll try to tack a sign on this door here, "Closed!" And then we're going to have to meet other places, 'cause they'll certainly close these churches one of these days if we don't take the mark of the beast. And we're depending on staying true to God till death sets us free, and that's what we intend to do.


Tuesday, 4 October 2016

... saved you here this week and knowing next year you're going to backslide ...

61 Now, the infinite God Who could tell the end from the beginning and then saved you here this week and knowing next year you're going to backslide and lose you… Well, what's He doing a work like that for? That would be foolish; I wouldn't do that. If I made you my friend today, knowing you was going to be my enemy tomorrow, well, I wouldn't do it; I'd just let you alone. See? God makes you His servant today, because He knows and knowed before you ever come on the earth when He was making the calcium that went in your body, when He created the cosmic light that you—that's in you, when the petroleums, and all that you're made up of, when God created it on the earth He knew every fiber of you and what you'd do.
58-0928M - The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
Rev. William Marrion Branham

Monday, 3 October 2016

But I know the Author real well ...

40 And I remember, a couple nights after that, I went back in the back where Paul Rader wrote that song, Only Believe. And I was sitting there and hearing that come in. There was a—a man who really had an education, must have, and so he come back, he said, "Mr. Branham, can I speak to you?" I said, "Yes, sir."

41 And he introduced hisself, and—and he said, "I just want to correct you on some things." I said, "All right, sir." And he said, "Your grammar." See? 

42 I said, "Yes, sir, I know that." I said, "I only got a seventh-grade education." I said, "We had ten children. My daddy was sickly and I had to go to work. I had to quit school, just a little boy." He said, "That's no excuse now." 

43 And I said, "That, that's right." I said, "I guess it isn't. But now since I've got to serving the Lord, I haven't got time to, for any of it." 

44 He said, "Well, your…" Said, "The people out there!" Said, "I noticed you last night, you said, 'All you people coming up here by this pulpit,' said, 'go down… '" 

45 And I said, "Well, what? I didn't know any different." And he said… I said, "What's wrong with that?" 

6 Said, "It isn't pulpit," said, "it's pulpit." He said, "Your congregation would appreciate you more if you would say pulpit." 

47 Well, I think he kind of combed them few hair the wrong way. I said, "Brother," I said, "I don't want to differ with you. But I don't believe them people cares whether I say pulpit or pulpit, just so that I preach the Word of God, and live the life that's in This." That's the main thing. Amen. The little fellow said, "But you don't know your Bible." 

48 I said, "But I know the Author real well, and He—He blesses me." I would rather know, "to know Him is Life." See?

   63-1115 - The World Is Falling Apart
   Rev. William Marrion Branham

Sunday, 2 October 2016

It isn't true confession unless it is.

63 I think one of the thing that keeps our people from being healed is the lack of confession, is the lack of sincere confession. Now, for instance, this might sound a little bad, but I don't mean it in this way. But, looking at my wife sitting here. If I would go out here today and throw my arms around some other woman and—and make love to her, and I'd know then, after I did that, that I was wrong, so wrong. Now, of course, my Comforter would keep me from doing that. See? See? But I mean if I—if I did that, and I… it happened that I did it or anything similar to it. And then I know the first thing is to say to my wife, before I can say to God, "forgive me," 'cause I sinned against her. If you come to the altar and remember you have ought, go make that right first, before you offer your gift. So I've got to go to her. I believe in confession is straightening up also. It isn't true confession unless it is. 

64 What if I said now, "I'm going to confess it, that I done wrong, I say, 'Good Lord, O Friend of mine, You know that I know You real well. Praise God! Hallelujah! I—I—I—I think You're a good old Fellow. Forgive me. You know, old, old Friend, I—I didn't mean it that way'"? See? 

65 Now, you say, "That's sacrilegious." It is. To make a confession like that, it is. 

66 But what if I go say, "Lord, I—I didn't mean to do it just that way, and You help me and I won't do it again"? He'll refuse my sacrifice until I first go and make that right with my wife. 

67 Then what if I come to her with the same irreverence, and say, "Say, old girl, old friend of mine, old mother of my children, and old sweetheart, you know we been old chums for a long time. Say, what if I put my arms around another woman? And what do you say about it, old kid, would you forgive me?" 

68 I imagine how she'd look. She'd think, "What's happened to my husband?" See? Now, the first thing, she wouldn't know whether I was kidding or whether I wasn't. 

69 And you don't go that way to make a confession to your fellow man or God. You go with the depths of sincerity, with godly sorrow of your sin. First, you must be sorry. I must tell her, "Sweetheart, come here, it may mean the rest of our married life. The woman that I live with, that's my sweetheart, and how I've loved you all these years. But now you may leave me, from this on, you may not stay with me, you may not accept me. And I'm knowing that. But yet, to make it right, I got to get right." I got to tell her with the depths of my heart. 

70 Then I've got to tell God the same way. And tell both her and God, with the sincerity, that I'll never do it again, by the grace of God. See? Don't just really… Now, I might be able to put it over her, and she (see?) won't see. Maybe my speech to her would—would convince her, but my speech won't convince God. He looks in my heart and He knows. And after all, just a few more years with her, if God permits, and we'll be taken out of this world. But with God, it's Eternity, so I must be deeply sincere with God. And then if I am sincere, He'll hear me. But if I'm not sincere, there's no need of me wasting God's time listening to me. 

71 And that's where it's come to today, amongst people, there doesn't seem to be the depths of sincerity that—that they ought to have.

63-0721 - He Cares Do You Care?

Saturday, 1 October 2016

That's the reason we act a little funny

11 And the other night, I was preaching, I believe it was the tabernacle, and I struck something that's done me more good than anything I've thought of since I been converted. And that was… I might repeat it again, if it's all right. I know where you know where I'm going to, but, it was that evidence of salvation. See? I… It just struck me, and I—I said it. I went home, I got in my room, and I walked up-and-down the floor. I—I just had a little, good time by myself, you know, just in there thinking about it. 

12 And here's what it was. I might pass it on to you just for a minute. I was talking about, "We are possessors of all thing. Everything is ours." They say that we're the crazy bunch, you know. But yet, after all, it all belongs to us. See? See? And we might… That's the reason we act a little funny, you see, we're heirs of all things. See? 

13 And I was thinking, we possess love, joy, courage. We possess faith, and long-suffering, gentleness, patience, meekness. You couldn't buy that with no kind of money. No matter, there's not… Go down and buy me a quarter's worth of patience, you see. Just couldn't do it. And, but yet, God gives us that. We possess that. That's our possession. And then buy us a little faith. We'd be willing, give all we had, for a little faith. You see? But, it's give to us, and everything is free, coming from the Lord. Isn't that wonderful?

62-0531 - The Conflict Between God And Satan

Friday, 30 September 2016

Just keep walking! Don't stand still, you'll never get no where.

177 One time down in Kentucky I was having a meeting, an old fellow come out, and he said, "Oh, I don't believe that healing." And I said, "Well, it's all right, you're American." He said, "I—I don't believe anything 'less I see it." And I said, "Well, it's all right." He said, "Now, I ain't got nothing against you, but I—I don't believe what you're saying." I said, "It's your own American privilege, you don't have to." He said, "Now, I never accept nothing 'less I can see it plainly." Hmm! I said, "Well, now I… that's—that's good, you must be from Missouri." Said, "No, I'm a Kentuckian." Whew! "Don't sound very good for Kentucky," I said. "But, anyhow," I said, "if you… that's the way you think, you go ahead." And he said—he said… I said, "How you going home?" He said, "I'm going across the hill. I live over… Well, go over with me." Nice man. Said, "Go home with me, stay all night, Brother Branham." I said, "I wished I could, brother. But, I said, "I'm going up here with my uncle." And he said… I said, "You want to ride over?" Said, "No, I got to go up across the hill up there, up this way, and down a hollow, and up," you know how it is down there. And I said, "Well," I said, "how you going to get there?" He said, "I'm going up the path there." "Why," I said, "you can't even see your hand before you." I said, "How you going to get up there?" Said, "I got a lantern!" And I said, "Well, how do you… What do you do, light that lantern and then walk with it?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "When you light that lantern, can you hold it up high like this? I'd like to see your house." He said, "You can't see it." I said, "Then how you going to get there?" "Oh," he said, "I'll just light the lantern; and as I walk, it… I just walk as the light… " I said, "That's just it. Amen, just walk in the Light." 

198 Just keep walking! Don't stand still, you'll never get no where. If you've been saved, walk to sanctification. You say, "How do you get there?" Just keep walking. "Is the baptism of the Holy Ghost after sanctification? How do I get that?" Just keep walking in the Light. "Is signs, wonders, and miracles… ?" Just keep walking in the Light. See? Just keep on! Every time you make a step, the Light will jump just a little ahead of you, 'cause He's always ahead of you. He don't push, He leads. He is the Light. Oh, I'm so glad of that. Aren't you? He is the Light, in Him there is no darkness.

   60-1205 - The Ephesian Church Age
   Rev. William Marrion Branham