Thursday, 20 October 2016

Salvation is an individual affair with God

109 Now, I've seen heathens shout. That's right. I've seen people go around and perform such funny-looking things, till you would, you can believe anything. Pour a rope out of a sack, like that, do some hocus-pocus over it, and the rope stand right straight up in the air. Take a big cobra, and him striking, whether he's got fangs or not; throw a rag out there, and watch his fangs hang in the rags. Go around there, and play a little music over him, and chant, and roll him around his neck. That cobra just looking at him, act like he's going to strike, and then hold back. Don't get near him; he'd kill you. 
110 And I've seen them stand out there and walk through beds of fire, when the coals was burnt down. Take off what they had on, walk right down through those fire coals without doing anything, no harm at all. Go into a big pen, beat up, full of glass, and sticking up like that; run and make a big jump in it and lay there and roll over and over and over, and get up, with not a cut on them; jump back out. That's faith, but, brother, that ain't salvation. No, sir. Oh, such, the cunning ways the devil has to deceive people. 
111 Salvation is an individual affair with God Almighty, through Jesus Christ the Lord.
54-1003E - Jubilee Year
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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