Sunday, 3 February 2013


E-30 Look at your flowers. I was noticing today, coming down, the flowers, how pretty they are. They're here for a purpose. They're spoken words of God. God spoke them into existence. And when He did, look what happens. They're pretty standing in your yard.
After while, frost hits them. Young ones, old ones, middle age, as soon as frost hits them; it's death. They bow their little heads, and what happens? A little black seed of some sort drops out of them. Believe it or not, God has a funeral procession for them. The fall rains come, and tears, as it was, drops from the skies and buries the seed.
The winter comes on. The petal's gone, the stalk's gone, the bulb's gone; the seed freezes, bursts open, the pulp runs out. Is that the end of the seed? No, sir. Let that warm sun shine, which brings forth resurrection of all botany life. As soon as that sun begins to light the earth and get warm, there's a germ of life somewhere in that seed, and it lives again. Why? It served a purpose of God, and God makes a way for it to live again.
Now, we were put here for a purpose, but we must serve that purpose: choose either death or life. So we're put here for a purpose, but we must serve that purpose. That's serving God, because we're sons and daughters of God.

Bro. Branham: The End-Time Sign Seed (62-0319)

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