Thursday, 28 June 2018

Take your choice, but then don’t never disfellowship the other man because he don’t belong...

Not one time was we ever commissioned to discern the—the man’s group. But we was constrained and commanded by God to discern the spirit in the man, what he’s trying to do, what the spirit in his life is trying to lead him to. And then if we can find out that he’s trying to lead the people (not to break them up, but to bring them together) and to bring the Church of the living God, not all to one denomination, but to an understanding, a fellowship, a unity of spirit. Then if he is former rain or latter rain, or whatever it is, his spirit and his purpose is right. And the spirit that’s in him, no matter what move he belongs to, the Spirit that’s in him is trying to point the people to Calvary, away from himself or away from anything else, but his only achievement he has is to point them to Calvary. He doesn’t care whether he’s even knowed or not. He doesn’t care whether even his own movement…which is fine, see, it’s good, if he is a Methodist, or a Presbyterian, or a Roman Catholic, or whatever he wants to be by denomination.

17 But what is he trying to do, the purpose of his heart that he’s trying to get? Then you can see what’s in the man’s life, whether his motives is for his—his denomination, whether it’s for hisself, whether it’s for worldly fame, whether it’s for big names, to say, “I predicted that, come just exactly to pass.” Now, you see that’s wrong right there, to begin with. But if he’s trying to use what God’s give him, as a teacher, as a prophet, as a seer…

18 A New Testament prophet is a preacher. We all know that. Just any minister that’s a preacher is a prophet, a New Testament prophet, if he’s prophesying, preaching, not to try to edify himself to make a big name, or to edify his organization. Which, he should be in an organization. Here I am without one, but yet preaching you should be. That’s right. Every man ought to have a church home. You ought to have a place, not just to float about from pillar to post, but have somewhere that you go to church and you call it your church, somewhere you pay your tithes, and somewhere that you help support the Cause. Take your choice, but then don’t never disfellowship the other man because he don’t belong with your group. See? Discern his spirit and see if he’s got the same purpose in heart, then you got fellowship one with another. You’re working for one great Cause. That’s the cause of Christ. I think that that is absolutely true.

    60-0308 - Discernment Of Spirit
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Every day, fresh, a new blessing,

82 Be a shepherd, a true shepherd. “Feed My sheep.” Lamb’s is the little ones, of course, and sheep is the adult. So both young and old, feed the flock of God! See? And feed them with the Word! The Word (you see?) is the Truth! Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Is that right? So then, if man is to live and they are the flock of God, this—the church, then they are to thrive upon the Word and Manna of God. This is His Manna!

83 In the—the Bible, we just come through it over there in the—in the—in the Church Ages. Jesus is the hidden Manna; Christ is the church’s Manna. What is manna? Manna in the Old Testament was that what come down from Heaven fresh every night to sustain the church in its journey. Is that right? Now, in the New Testament what is the hidden Manna? “A little while and the world seeth Me no more (hidden); yet ye shall see Me, for I’ll be with you, even in you to the end of the world.” And Christ is that hidden Manna that comes from God out of Heaven afresh every day—every day.

84 We can’t say, “Well, two weeks ago I had a great experience of God.” What about right now? See? Every day, fresh, a new blessing, a new something coming from God, the hidden Manna coming down from God out of Heaven, Christ. And we feast upon this Manna which is Christ, and He sustains us through the journey till we reach the—the land on the other side.

    61-1015M - Questions And Answers
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

You better destroy your enemy before your enemy destroys you...

141 Let me say this, my friend. You better destroy your enemy before your enemy destroys you. Bring back the old-fashioned prayer meetings. Old fashioned repentance, when they stayed to the altar until they was dead and finished with sin.

    63-0120E - Just One More Time, Lord
    Rev. William Marrion Burnham

Sunday, 10 June 2018

The blanket’s big enough for both of you.

44 Remember the other brother’s pulling for some cover too. The blanket’s big enough for both of you. God made it that way *. Don’t jerk it all and wrap yourself up in it and say, “Freeze to death.” If you’re cold, let me help you. When it comes to a place you don’t want to help a fallen brother… You think he’s fallen, help him some way; stand between the gaps. Gap up the way with love. That’s the cement that puts the church of God together, is the cement of God’s holy love among brethren* .

    61-0316 - The Church Choosing Law For Grace
    Rev. William Marrion Branham