Saturday, 28 April 2018

I want to be like Him.

“I’m wanting God to take all away from me that’s just not like Him, any selfish motives I have, any indifference that I have. I want Him to shear me all the way off, this morning. I want to be like Him. I don’t care whether they’re rights or not; I ain’t got no rights. Only have one right, and that’s, come to Him. He takes the rest.”
    56-0805 -  The Church And Its Condition
    Rev. William Marrion Branham


Thursday, 26 April 2018

And it impressed the boys so, that each one become a sailor.

16  And here some time ago, I was reading an article where there was a home, and five boys was borned in this home. And as soon as the oldest one got old enough to go to the Navy, off to the Navy he went. The second one followed, the next one, until all the whole five went away to the Navy. And there was no Marines or Navy men in their family. The mother and father couldn't understand just why these people, these boys, every one wanted to go to the Navy.

There was a—a real fine-combing investigation made of this. And come to find out, in the bedroom where these boys all was brought up, in this bedroom, there's a beautiful big picture hanging there of a big ship sailing on a quiet, calm sea. And it so impressed the boys as they went to bed at night, looking at this picture. It was on their mind to sail that quiet, soothing sea. And on the morning when they arose, the first thing they could look at was that ship making her way through the quiet, calm sea. And it impressed the boys so, that each one become a sailor.

Now, if the picture of a ship will impress boys to become Navy men, sailors of the sea, what ought the picture of the Lord Jesus Christ do? See? Always have the right thing before your children. "Bring up a child in the way that it should go." See? Bring it up and teach it right. It'll certainly, won't depart from it.

    56-1002E - Elisha The Prophet
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Do you realize we don’t pray half as much as our fathers did?

102 Oh, how we need to pray! Now we’ll go back to you again. Brother, do you realize we don’t pray half as much as our fathers did? Pastor, do you know we don’t put as much time on our knees as the pastors before us did? Women, do you realize you don’t instruct your daughter, and pray with her at night, like your mother did you? Then, what about it, who is guilty? We are guilty. There is no way around it. We are guilty.

    56-1125E - A Blushing Prophet
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

Saturday, 7 April 2018

When you leave this world, your nature doesn’t change

Showing one thing, that, man, when you die or whatever, when you leave this world, your nature doesn’t change. If you’re a liar now, you’ll be a liar there. If you’re hot-headed here, you’ll be hot-headed there. If you’re a doubter here, you would be a doubter there. Men and women, it’s time to shake yourselves and to examine yourselves, and see where we are standing, for death does not change it.

64-0726M - Recognizing Your Day And Its Message
Rev. William Marrion Branham

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

And we got to face the living God, some of these days, and we better be in deep sincerity about this.

91 Here not long ago, I seen a—an advertisement up, where a certain campaign was coming to the city. And the word of the man, the man’s name run great big letters all the way around, like that. And on the bottom, in a little corner, said, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever,” way down in the corner. See?

92 They took all the sacredness from Christ, and put it onto some man, or some church, or some organization. Brother, I’m telling, you can get by with glamour, Hollywood clowning, like that, in a…by the church. But, in the Presence of Jesus Christ, He is the One to be glorified. That’s right. Now, that’s the truth, my dear brother and sister.

93 Don’t feel angry at me. You just remember that I’m preaching to you. I want to preach as if this was the last sermon I’d ever preach in my life. I want to preach, every sermon I preach, as if I was a dying man preaching to dying men. And, I am; my light is burning down, every day; yours is, too. And we’re dying mortals. And we got to face the living God, some of these days, and we better be in deep sincerity about this.

    54-0509 - The Invasion Of The United States
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Don’t presume that

154 Don’t presume that; you know that. Watch the way it makes you live, the attitude you take towards sin, how everything…Why, you think about a holy God? Did you ever think that that One, you’re going to stand in His Presence and give an account for this Word, and for Christ? When, God is so holy, setting yonder in Eternity, when ten million suns would be black spots before Him. So holy, that, even the Angels look filthy, in His sight. Angels before Him, are filthy.

    62-0117 - Presuming
    Rev. William Marrion Branham