112 Oh, what we need tonight, friends, is one of them old-fashion meetings we used to have years ago, to sweep the whole nation. Where, people went home, they straightened up their home, they taken the—the evils out of their home, they stopped all their nonsense around home. Each and every home, they had it straight on the line. And they quit their meanness. They quit their cheating. They quit their lying. They lived honest and soberly with one another; lived like Christians ought to. That's the kind of religion.
113 And, today, the… that same kind of religion that we have, has branched off and branched off till it's become so patterned till it's a Hollywood show, almost. Now, you know that's the truth. And we go into a place, set up a big band of music, and play music, and carry on, and act like, pretending, Christians. But go to them and cross one up one time, and watch what you get. See?
114 Christianity is longsuffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience. Is that right? "Christ, when He was reviled, He reviled not again." Is that right? Christianity is the life that a man lives. It's a personal experience. Not…
115 But some say, "So this guy, I know this fellow does this. I know he can—he can pray for the sick and they'll get well." That don't mean he's a Christian. Faith will do anything.
116 And if you'd only get through the place, as Christians, our little group here at the tabernacle, you all, if you'd only see how that witches and wizards work miracles. Sure, they do.
117 And they have all the demonstrations that Christianity produces, but they can't be Christians. Watch their lives, what they do.
118 The people right there even take living with other women, adultery, as a religion, and them same people does signs and wonders. Not in…
54-1003E - Jubilee Year
Rev. William Marrion Branham