Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Check your motives ...

107. Brother Branham, if these questions are out of line then just disregard them, and I won't feel bad about it, for I will know it was not the hand of the Lord. Question number one: Brother Branham, I have heard you… that it should—should be back in the… I—I—I have heard you say I should be back in the ministry, and I have thought upon it myself, but have waited upon some definitely word from Him about it. Up to date it hasn't come. Now, since I know the end is so near, should I still wait for the Lord Jesus to—to speak to me? Or, would He be pleased to tell you what to tell me, since I know you are His spokesman for this day? Well now, brother, I'd… I got wrote down here my answer to it. God calling this brother, a call in life… Now, there's one great thing we could just take that as a text and preach all night on it (See?), that one thing, "a calling." "Make your calling and election sure." See? We don't want to be just wondering if we're called. You must be called or you'll be defeated; we're fighting a battle. See? And if you are positive sure, brother, that your calling is of God, and you've been called of God to do a work… Now, there's a great trick there that the enemy can play on you. He can make you think you're not called when you are called, then he turn right back around make you think you're not called; or make you think you're—you are called when you're not called, vice versa, either way. And you have to watch it. 

 29 Now, here's the way to do it. Find out first… Well now, this is advice; only thing I can give on this is advice. See? But make sure that your calling comes from God, and then check your motives and objectives. See? Now, you know what I mean by that. What is your motive for preaching? Was it just… You think it was a easier job than what you have? Then you'd better forget it; it wasn't a call. A call of God burns so in your heart you can't rest day and night for it. You just can't get away from it; it's just constantly grinding at you. 

31 And—and if you had to preach… You say, well now, another objective, "I believe at the job I've got, if I could be a successful evangelist or a pastor, have a good set salary, have a home that I could go into and so forth, and live, then I—I believe that would be a good thing, much easier than what I'm doing now. And really I think it would be…" Now, see, your objective is wrong to begin with. See, it's not right. See? You—you're wrong there on that. Then you'd say, "Well, maybe because that I am a—think maybe that I'd be more popular amongst the people." See, you'll find out you're just ready for a big flop (See?), really. See? But now, if your objective is that "I don't care if I have to eat soda crackers and branch—drink branch water, I'll preach the Gospel anyhow." Something just tearing into you, "I'll either preach the Gospel or die." See? Then you'll—you'll go somewhere, because it's God dealing with you. God is making Hisself known to you, because it is God just won't let you rest. And usually, a God-called man never wants to do it. Did you ever think of that? Any man… 

34 Just recently it was asked of me by some very precious brethren that said, "Now, that we have come into the way, Brother Branham, now that we found the Lord and received the Holy Ghost, shall we seek gifts for our ministry that we should do?" I said, "Don't never do it." See? Don't never advise people to do something like that, 'cause usually a guy that wants to do it is a guy that—that can't do it. It's the guy that's trying to run from it is the one that God uses. See? If he's trying to get away from it, "Oh, brother, I tell you, I… The calling's in me but I… Whew. Man, I'd hate to try that." Well, there you are. You see? That—that's trying to run. If he's—if he wants to do it so bad, the first thing you know he finds himself a stuffed shirt. Like you say, "God, you give me power to move mountains; I tell You; I'll do something for You if You let me move mountains." No, he wouldn't; he can't even move hisself to the right attitude (See?), so he'd never move mountains for God. 

 38 Just take, for instance, like Paul. You think Paul could've got away from his calling? Oh, brother. He couldn't do it. It was just grinding at him day and night till he left his church, he left everything and—and went down into… I believe it was Asia, wasn't it? And stayed three years down there, studying the Scriptures, to find out whether It was right or not (See?) to find out whether God had really called him. So if God is calling you, brother, and it keeps digging at your heart, then I'd say, "Lay aside every weight, and the sin that does so easily beset you." You see? If… But if it's not digging at you, and then I—I—I wouldn't think too much about it then. Just let it come to its place.

61-0112 - Questions And Answers

Rev. William Marrion Branham
   61-0112 - Questions And Answers
   Rev. William Marrion Branham

Monday, 7 December 2015

Giving up a bad habit

William Penn was once advising a drunkard to give up his habit of drinking intoxicating liquors. 

"Can you tell me how to do it?" the man asked.

"Yes, friend." Pen replied. "It is as easy as to open thy hand."
"Convince me of that," the drunkard explained, "and I will promise upon my honour to do as you tell me."

"Well, my friend, when thou findest any vessel of intoxicating liquor in thy hand, open the hand that contains it before it reaches thy mouth, and thou wilt never be drunk again."

This plain advice so delighted the drunkard that he straightway proceeded to follow it.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

About false accusations ...

1 Peter 2:20-23

20 For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.

21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:

22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:

23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: