Thursday, 1 October 2015

The Third Exodus

"But there raised up a pharaoh who didn't know Joseph." The same thing today, a man has raised up and took oath in the—in the White House, that will not swear to his oath, will not take his oath that he believes in freedom of religion.
What's this new pope saying? One…Four things that he has. One of them, is to unite the Protestant and the Catholic together. And to any intellectual person, that's the thing to do. But according to the Bible, it's the wrong thing to do. And the Bible said they would do that.
Let's go a little farther. At this time, Raamses, in Egypt, was growing. His power is growing. The natural man, Raamses, was growing.
The natural man, the antichrist, is growing now. Through politics, he's already got to the White House. In religion, he's got all the people so scrupled up, till actually they'd fall right for it. And the denominational leaders, practically every church that there is in the nation, is already in the confederation of churches. Raamses is growing. And they're all uniting together, and that's what they'll have. And what does it do? It makes a power, a beast just like the first one.
Then there's a persecution coming upon all those who won't unite with it, and a boycott. It'll be too late then. You've already took the mark. Don't say, "I'll do it then." You better do it now. Raamses was growing.
But remember, while Raamses was growing into power, in Egypt, God had Moses in the wilderness. He was growing, too. Raamses had a political system. God had a spiritual system, under a prophet, ready to come down, to speak to the people.

63-0630M The Third Exodus

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