Thursday, 20 August 2015

Let not one dirty conversation come among you

307 The Bible said not let one dirty conversation come among you when you profess holiness. Treat that little lady like she's your little sweetheart. If she's sixty years old, you be just the same. You be that gallant boyfriend; remember, you are.

64-0830M - Questions And Answers #3

57 Now, notice. He appeared to them. I want to give you just a little lesson here, if you'll pardon the expression. When did Jesus appear to those people? When they were talking about Him. The Bible said they were talking about Him. Now, Jesus will not come into your presence when you're carrying on with your rock-and-roll, and boogie-woogie, and all that stuff there. I don't care what church you belong to, Jesus don't come in those conversations. He don't dwell among those kind of things, so change your conversation. If you want to see Him, do as they did: meditate on Him. Let your conversations be upon Him and His resurrection, for He has risen from the dead.
57-0114 - The Infallible Proof Of The Resurrection

28 And that's the same thing it is today. Our markets are—are loaded with vulgar and—and filth, to poison the minds of our young children, and then we lay the fault onto them. When, I think, many times it belongs in to us, us Christian people who will not stand up for the thing that's right, and have those things lawed off of our shelves, and so forth. And then in our homes, also, that we let loose and permit all these vulgarities and things to come into our home, to influence the children.
63-1130B - Influence

878 Now, Father, I pray that each that raised their hand will receive what they raised their hands for. And may they be blessed. And God, I pray that You'll help our sisters, that they'll be… Let them conduct themselves, that Satan through television and "True Story" magazines, and so forth, that's been so loosely handled, and uncensored programs, how the dirt and vulgar on the televisions and so forth, which would—could be an instrument to win millions of souls to You, but how they're not censored, and put out all these old dirty things that they… Oh, how pitiful. And to know that the spirit of the devil has got in and around our sisters, and are tried to make them fashion and dress like that…
57-1006 - Questions And Answers On Hebrews #3

Rev. William Marrion Branham

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