Here's the pope's message on you tube: Pope adressing Pentecostals?
The tares are being tied up together to be burnt. Oh yes!!
Look at this:
Matthew 13:24-30
King James Version (KJV)
... But while he slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. ...... Lutheran, they're all gathering together in the World Council of Churches. 65-0118 - The Seed of Discrepancy.
"Let me make a prediction. I'm not prophesying. I'm predicting. I predict that in the next few years that all organization religions will be forced to take a stand. And they will have a union of churches, and a great boycott will follow this union of churches. All denominations will be forced into it: all of them. If they don't, there'll be a horrible boycott. Nearly every one of them today has not knowingly joined that World Council of Churches, selling their birthrights: Protestant brethren with the mother Catholic of Rome. They'll do that. You know the Bible said that the tares would be bound, bundled first. They're bundling all in one great group. The Bible said they'd make an image unto the beast. I believe it'll come to pass, that shortly, that if people do not join some organization, some church, go in, their doors will be closed. This nation has always typed Israel. Israel, we find out, come into another land, took the occupants, slayed them, run them out, pushed them back, and occupied the land just as we did the Indians. Then God gave them that land. God gave us this land. Notice what taken place. They had great men in them days; Joshua, a king; they had David; they had a Solomon: great men." WMB
"You know what, friends? Soon He will come for those in this last days. Now, isn't it strange that the church has got in this dark hour again? Now, I'm going to say something here. I... It's not a doctrine; I'm just prophesying. You know what's happened? It's going to come to a place soon, mark my word, that all denominations are going to have to join the ecumenical council. If they don't, they can't have the support of the council. Therefore, there'll be a boycott that nobody can go to these churches or go to any churches. Unless you have a mark from your own church you cannot buy or sell. You see it. Just as it was, so is it going to be again, a mark unto the beast. And the church shall realize, and that's spiritual people. And you Pentecostal people anyhow, are recognizing it. You begin to feel it. When your churches... Many of your organizations of the Pentecost, and I don't have to call your name, but you know right now they're--they're coming into it. They've done witnessed that they were. And when you do that, what are you going to have to be? You're going to have to forfeit your evangelical teaching of the baptism of the Holy Ghost. You going to have to forfeit your doctrine of the Bible. And the members is not going to stand for it. Real borned again Christians will die first. They're warned by the Word. They know this thing's coming. Yes, sir." WMB
I'd rather you get "scared" and go on your KNEES! Than just sit back. If that's all it has to take.
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