Thursday, 30 January 2014


morning comes
it comes for me
and gently I am nudged
for morning hour wishes
me for company

and my spirit yields
to the morning hour
that lets all others sleep
and drains my form
as I lament and weep 

over and over the words
it plays and dances in my mind
and keeps my body in restless state
and this the hour I often dread
the lonliness of ones mind I hate

But I this time turn thoughts to God
and try to sort through the maze
of all the troubled thoughts
that morning brought my way
and desire the bed where sleep I ought

no tiny white aids I to sleep
for they have had their chance
and now my mind it will pace
lonely up dark halls back and forth
as my mind it continues race

and morning becomes a little brighter
with each and every passing hour
but no rest is in sight
for this body that now is weary
so I will focus on God's true light

and know that this time, it will pass
and that I am not alone
and look only upwards from my bed
towards the truth ignoring
the stirrings found in my head

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