Monday, 18 March 2013

God looks at character...

22-7 Not pretty, but character, God looks at character. Man looks at natural beauty. It's deceiving. And that's why a woman was given that beauty for deception, to deceive. A beautiful woman, if she don't use it in the right way, it's a curse to her. That'll send her to hell quicker than anything else I know of. If she just--if... She could be pretty, sure; as long as she stays with her husband and does what's right, and that--that's fine and dandy. But she can take that same thing, and, my, how she can deceive with it, for it was give to her to do so.
Notice now, but God is featured in character. There was no beauty we should desire Jesus, but there never was a character like Him on the earth.
Now, we find out today that the--the church character, Satan and his group, look after big beautiful churches, beautiful things. That's what the world looks at today. Oh, if the pastor, the great So-and-so times So-and-so, so priestly and godly, walking out in these big robes and things like that; they call that beauty. But the real saints of God looks for the character of the vindicated Word.
That's what the saints did in that day when they seen Jesus. He wasn't nothing to look at, but they seen God was in Him; they seen God was with Him.
Marriage and Divorce (65-0221M)

Thursday, 14 March 2013


**Cruel World Indeed**
TRUE STORY ( Mrs Rebbecca Narrates)
17/02/2013 will remain an unforgettable memory in my life. Like every other nights, I went to bed and said goodnyt to my Son (22 years) and my daughter (18 years) and we all slept.
At about 3:55am on the above date, unknown gunmen broke into our apartments to rob but unfortunately there was nothing they could lay hand on. They asked my son to get up pointing gun at him and asked my daughter to lie facing the ceiling and she did as they told her.
Shockingly they asked my son to have sex with his sister right in front of them and that if they are not impress, He will extend that generosity to His mother (Me) that they are not in the mood for rape. And that is this the price wewill pay else he will be a dead person.
He was shocked and after a while He asked them to shoot him that he cannot do it that even if he do it and they leave, that he will take his life in less than a day cos he can't live with such memory. They got angry and one asked the other to shoot him lets go and He randomly shot my son and he fell in the pool of his own blood and they left.
All I knew is that He was alive till we got to the hospital and after several hours of medics on him,
He went into COMA and to this day he hasn't said a word yet just breathing..
I don't want to lose my only Son. My daughter has been crying since that incidence.
Please Help Us In prayer so that my only son will come back alive for me, cos am just a widow and they are what I have always lived for. My Hope is in God.
 God Bless and Protect You, Amen!, Mrs Rebbecca.
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choose a genuine, born-again woman

The Choosing Of A Bride, Los Angeles, CA, 65-0429e
62 Now, for, it is becoming, if a Christian would choose a wife, he ought to choose a genuine, born-again woman, regardless of what she looks like. It's what she is, what makes her. And then, again, that reflects his own godly character, and reflects what's in his mind and what's going to be in the future, for his family will be raised by such a woman, for the future plans for his home.

A woman reflects what's in the man

The Choosing Of A Bride, Los Angeles, CA, 65-0429e

58 Again, the kind of woman that a man would choose, will reflect his ambition and his character. If a man chooses the wrong woman, it reflects his character. And what he ties himself to, shows truly what's in him. A woman reflects what's in the man when he chooses her for wife. It shows what's down in him. No matter what he says outside, watch what he married.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Why Cry? Speak!

Why Cry? Speak!
We received this testimony from a brother in Rwanda who wanted to take a little quiet time to devote to the Lord, but the enemy kept putting obstacles in his way. He persisted, and the Lord answered his prayer
One night, I was in a prayer room in our church. Since our church is in a valley close to an airdrome, there was a lot of noise from mosquitoes and cars. I wanted to read the book “Demonology” I had in my hand, but because of that noise, I was taking 10 minutes to read one page. Imagine this demonic atmosphere! I was wondering what I was doing there.
Few days before, I had read the book “Why Cry? Speak!” I suddenly remembered what Brother Branham had said, that we have the power to speak without praying, and if we have perfect faith, it will happen. Then I spoke and said: “You flies and cars, I came here to fellowship with your Creator, therefore I ask for a complete silence in the Name of Jesus.”
Oh, brothers and sisters, within three minutes, there was a peace I had never experienced before! Oh, glory! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!
 Kigali/ Rwanda