Life Story Of William Branham 1950
And notice this one thing now. Later on down through life, I had girlfriends like all boys. And I remember I was a little skeptic of girls; I seen the way women act. And frankly, I never did have very much use for women. I don't mean you sisters, now, but just to see how untrue they were, some of them.
Life Story Of William Branham -1950
And I said I'd never get married; never want nothing to do with one [woman]. I'll be a trapper and a hunter all my life, and I'll never have nothing with the girl. When I was even 17, 18 years old, I'd pass down the street. I'd see a girl on one side, and I thought she was going say something, I'd cross over and go over on the other side, because I just didn't want nothing to do. That's all, didn't want to hook up - caught up with it or anything, I wanted to keep away from it. And so I went ahead. But finally I found a girl that was a real girl. She was a Christian. She afterwards become my wife.
I said, ".....What in the world do you see in that boy? .....he hates the very religion that you have. He despises your Christ. He'd never make you a husband; he'd make you miserable all your life." And I said, "Why, there's fine little Christian boys here that you could go with... Your daddy and mother despises the thoughts of you going out. But you go anyhow, and you think, 'I'm sweet sixteen.'"
Hebrews, Chapter 7, Part Two - 1957
Marriage is honorable, but it should be entered prayerfully and reverently. And genuine love for that woman will bind you together forever. "What you bind on the earth, I'll bind in heaven." When you walk down the street yonder, she may get old, and gray, and wrinkled, but that same love you had for her when she was a young beautiful woman, you'll still have it. You may get stoop-shouldered, baldheaded, and wrinkled-faced, and everything else, but she'll love you just like you did when you stand with wide shoulders and curly hair, if it's really God.
The Serpent Seed - 1958
Adam had done named all of the creation, everything else. But he wasn't nothing for himself, so He made him a helpmate: took a rib from his side, closed up the gash, and made a helpmate to him. And man in his spirit was both man and woman. And "a" woman is just a part of "a" man. And when a man takes to himself a wife, and if she's correctly his wife, a God-given wife, she'll be just to him as part of him.
That's the reason you have so many scruples in the marriage. Is because you go out and see some girl with pretty brown eyes, or blue eyes, or something like that, some pretty figure, and you fall for her. First time she has her first baby them teeth comes out, and she gets wrinkled and old, and then you want to kick her out. And some of you women find some little boy with his hair slicked down, his mammy's lard can half dumped on it, and curly; it'll all fall out. I know that by experience. But what happens? What is it? You fall for that. You ought to pray first, 'cause a woman is part of you. And if you've embraced a woman to your bosom, and taken her for your wife, and she makes an imprint on you... (We'll say it like this so you'll understand) and any other woman against that bosom won't fit that print. And God will hold you responsible for it. You just remember that.
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