Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Walk unconscious of criticism.
Friday, 18 May 2018
We’re living in a day of great uncertainty.
93 And now we’re living in a day of great uncertainty. We all know that; the day of uncertainty, and the time of uncertainty. I don’t believe there ever was a time…Since time first began back in the garden of Eden, when sin come in and broke Eternity into time, I do not believe there’s ever been a space of time with so much uncertainty as today. Because, there’s not even one hope left in the natural world today. 94 Now, you say, “Well, I seen times, and read in history, when the wars covered the earth.” That is true. 95 But never a time when the whole earth would be blowed to pieces, just in one second. See? And such a destruction, it’d take weeks and hours, and so forth, now it takes one minute, maybe not that. Just a button pressed, and she’s all over. It’s awful. And they don’t have…Cuba can do it, herself. It don’t have to, a little bitty…Haiti’s could do it. Just any little nation that wants to, can set the world completely on fire, and blow her out of her orbit, any time they want to. See? It only takes one fanatic, where there’s tens of billions of them around the world, to do that.
60-1218 - The Uncertain Sound
Rev. William Marrion Branham
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
You see, it’s just in our head.
22 Now, notice modern happenings that we have. We look at this scientific age that we live in—the push-button age.
And yet, people have less time to pray than they ever did have, in all these modern times.
They used to set all night and listen to a sermon. And now we just can’t do it. We haven’t got time to do it.
You see, it’s just in our head. We think we haven’t got time to do it, but we have.
62-1125E - The Countdown
Rev. William Marrion Branham
Monday, 14 May 2018
The skies finally clear up. Everything gets all right.
Sometimes we're under the waves; you can't see around you nowhere. But just let your anchor hold there. It'll keep you. And as the anchor begin to hold in the sickness and things, God then brings it all out all right. The skies finally clear up. Everything gets all right. It's holding within the veil.
56-0108 - God Hath A Provided Way
Rev. William Marrion Branham
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
You may feel condemned in your heart
45 It looks dark like it did for the little woman. But if you’ll just take God’s promise now, that “whosoever will, let him come and drink from the Waters of Life, the Fountains of Life freely…” Drink the Water freely. It’s for whosoever will. That might have been put upon you. You might have done that evil. You may feel condemned in your heart, you Christians now, on what I said a while ago, because something, iniquity lays in your heart.
Maybe it happened for a purpose to get you closer to God. That happened to me. My life has been different since I seen that. I thought I was just living fine. But I found out that let that God raise His hand one time, and Satan’s got me. We’re mortal. And it was just a blessing in disguisement. It makes me appreciate Him more now to know that He’s loving, and willing to take us back.
59-0810 - The Reaction To An Action
Rev. William Marrion Branham
His gifts are fine, but I want the Giver
14 Not long ago, my little girl called me, when I was here the other time. It kind of give me a thought. She said, “Daddy, I want you to come home.”
And I said, “Honey, from Texas I sent you a—a little doll.” She said—she’s just four years old. I said, “I sent you a little doll, honey.”
She said, “I got it Daddy.” And I said—She said, “I want you to come home, daddy.”
And I said, “Well, honey, I sent you a little rabbit from down Chattanooga.”
She said, “I got it, daddy.” But she said, “I want you to come home.” See?
And I said, “Well, honey, I—daddy…”
She said, “Daddy, I love you, and I love the gifts that you give me, but I want daddy.”
15 That’s it. All of His gifts are wonderful, but I want Father. I love His gifts, to hear Him in the manifestations, the praising God, and shouting, and healing, and speaking with tongues, and the interpretation of tongues, and all the different gifts. I love to set and watch them. I have not them, but I love to watch them in operation in the Church. But after all that, I want Jesus. I—I want it. His gifts are fine, but I want the Giver in here. See? That’s right.
51-0508 - Faith Is The Substance
Rev. William Marrion Branham
Saturday, 5 May 2018
Something that they can talk to, that will talk back to them
45 I think any man with a…or woman, boy or girl. And I think, in a intellectual conception of what they think the Word is, and so forth, never can have a full foundation stand until they have met that Light that brings that Word to a reality.
46 I think no church in its practice, no matter how intellectual and fundamental it might be, that church cannot thrive until the Supernatural is made known among that people, and they see it. Something that they can talk to, that will talk back to them, that a vindicates this written Word.
63-0714M - Why Cry? Speak!
Rev. William Marrion Branham
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
Tables for ladies...
13 I was passing down one of your streets here a few days ago, and I seen in a barroom. It said, “Tables for ladies.” I don’t mean to be rude, and I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. But ladies don’t go in places like that. They’ve never had one in there. [Audience applauds—Ed.] I’d imagine they’ve never had a customer and never will, because it’s no place for ladies. But fine people sometime, see those things and—and see people who are up-and-up (what we call them) go into such places, and they think that’s the thing for them to do. “Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man.”
14 But you see, the—the king had said this is all right, because his wife thought it was all right. And they’d caused a moral decay. And then, they thought because they were prosperous, no wars and so forth, that that was the sign that God was with them. Prosperity is not always the sign that God is with you. Many times that’s deceiving. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. But it’s by their fruits they are known.
59-0412A - Be Certain Of God
Rev. William Marrion Branham