Friday, 27 November 2015

God looks on the little things too

12 Lyle was setting in the boat there that day, when the day before it was told him that "something" was "going to happen concerning a resurrection of life." He was a real Jehovah Witness, too! But that morning, setting there, fishing, and he caught… Well, he had a great, big ol' (that Kentucky fashion, you know)… a big hook and a little, bitty fish swallowed it. And he just pulled gills, entrails and all out, throwed it out on the water (little, bitty sunfish), and he said, "Well, little fellow, you shot your last wad." The little… flipping along on the water, died, the wind blowed him up into some pond lilies.

13 And the day before, setting, I said, "The Holy Spirit tells me that 'there'll be a resurrection of some little creature.' Perhaps there'd be a—a kitten, when I get back home, 'cause just…"

14 When we was trying to dig some fish bait, Brother Woods and I, who's listening in tonight, my little girl which is a young woman setting here, engaged to this lanky soldier (I see him), she come up, she said, "Daddy…" Her and the other little girl, said, "We…" Now, anybody can have any kind of pet they want, but I sure don't like a cat, so she… or no Branham. So we… she said, "Oh, we found a poor ol' cat out here, Daddy. It's—it—it's eat something and it's… somebody's poisoned it, it's all swelled up." Said, "Daddy, it's going to die right away, can we get a little box and keep it a couple days?"

15 I said, "Let me see the cat." Well, they went and got the cat. I seen what was going to happen, so give her a box. And next morning, was about seven or eight kittens there, you know. So my little boy, Joe, picked one of them up, and squeezed it and dropped it on the ground; and just—just… little fellow lay there wiggling around and around, killed it.

16 And I said to Brother Lyle, his brother, I said, "You know, it may be that it'd be that little kitten raised up, like we have seen the Lord do things."

17 Brother Lyle, just new in the way. The Holy Spirit had just told him he was married, and what he had done, and the evils he had done, the things he had done. Well, he thought Brother Banks was telling me them things. But when It really brought him right out, and told him what he done the night before, that was—that was too much for him. He couldn't get it.

18 Then, the next morning… While we fished all night, with little fish, we was catching some for bait. But he just throwed that little fish in the water, quivered, flabbed over. About a half hour later we were setting there, and I was… I said, "Brother Lyle, you let the fish swallow the hook all the way down in his stomach. See?" I said, "Take the fly line here, flip it over, the bait out like that; just soon as he touch it," I said "then just hold him and then bring him in." I said, "He… don't pull him out like that, don't swallow it, you catch the fish."

 19 He said, "Well…" He had a great, big ol' line hanging over, said, "This is the way we do it," like that.

20 So, just about that time, I heard Something coming off the top of the mountain up there, a whirlwind, whirling around and around. Here It come down like that, and the Spirit of God come over the boat, said, "Stand up on your feet." Said, "Speak to that dead fish. Say, 'I give you back your life.'"

21 And that little fish had been laying there for a half hour, with his entrails in its mouth, and its gills. I said, "Little fishy, Jesus Christ gives you back your life. Live, in the Name of Jesus Christ." Flipped over on his back, and down through the water he went as hard as he could go.

22 Brother Lyle, are you here somewhere? I—I seen you last night. Whether he's inside, outside, or where he's at, raise your hand if I can see you. [Someone in congregation says, "Balcony"—Ed.] What say? In the bal-… Oh, yes, way up in the balcony, through the windows back there. That's the man, a Jehovah Witness.

23 He said, "Brother Branham!" He was all excited, he said, "Uh, it's—it's good to be here. Isn't it?" He said, "Uh-uh, do you—do you… Uh, do you think that meant me, that—that—that, that I called that little fish, said, 'You had shot your last wad'?" Said, "That—that—that meant something for me?"

24 I said, "Nah, nah, just a confirmation." He was all upset about it.

25 Well, we travel along and you see those things happening, knowing… Now, just think, what was it to show? I had a-many little spastic child on my prayer list, praying for it, but when the vision come it was for a little ol' fish about so long, about two inches long or three. Looked like the hook was as big as the fish. But what it was, was to show you that God looks on the little things too. See?

65-1127E - I Have Heard But Now I See
12 Lyle was setting in the boat there that day, when the day before it was told him that "something" was "going to happen concerning a resurrection of life." He was a real Jehovah Witness, too! But that morning, setting there, fishing, and he caught… Well, he had a great, big ol' (that Kentucky fashion, you know)… a big hook and a little, bitty fish swallowed it. And he just pulled gills, entrails and all out, throwed it out on the water (little, bitty sunfish), and he said, "Well, little fellow, you shot your last wad." The little… flipping along on the water, died, the wind blowed him up into some pond lilies. 13 And the day before, setting, I said, "The Holy Spirit tells me that 'there'll be a resurrection of some little creature.' Perhaps there'd be a—a kitten, when I get back home, 'cause just…" 14 When we was trying to dig some fish bait, Brother Woods and I, who's listening in tonight, my little girl which is a young woman setting here, engaged to this lanky soldier (I see him), she come up, she said, "Daddy…" Her and the other little girl, said, "We…" Now, anybody can have any kind of pet they want, but I sure don't like a cat, so she… or no Branham. So we… she said, "Oh, we found a poor ol' cat out here, Daddy. It's—it—it's eat something and it's… somebody's poisoned it, it's all swelled up." Said, "Daddy, it's going to die right away, can we get a little box and keep it a couple days?" 15 I said, "Let me see the cat." Well, they went and got the cat. I seen what was going to happen, so give her a box. And next morning, was about seven or eight kittens there, you know. So my little boy, Joe, picked one of them up, and squeezed it and dropped it on the ground; and just—just… little fellow lay there wiggling around and around, killed it. 16 And I said to Brother Lyle, his brother, I said, "You know, it may be that it'd be that little kitten raised up, like we have seen the Lord do things." 17 Brother Lyle, just new in the way. The Holy Spirit had just told him he was married, and what he had done, and the evils he had done, the things he had done. Well, he thought Brother Banks was telling me them things. But when It really brought him right out, and told him what he done the night before, that was—that was too much for him. He couldn't get it. 18 Then, the next morning… While we fished all night, with little fish, we was catching some for bait. But he just throwed that little fish in the water, quivered, flabbed over. About a half hour later we were setting there, and I was… I said, "Brother Lyle, you let the fish swallow the hook all the way down in his stomach. See?" I said, "Take the fly line here, flip it over, the bait out like that; just soon as he touch it," I said "then just hold him and then bring him in." I said, "He… don't pull him out like that, don't swallow it, you catch the fish." 19 He said, "Well…" He had a great, big ol' line hanging over, said, "This is the way we do it," like that. 20 So, just about that time, I heard Something coming off the top of the mountain up there, a whirlwind, whirling around and around. Here It come down like that, and the Spirit of God come over the boat, said, "Stand up on your feet." Said, "Speak to that dead fish. Say, 'I give you back your life.'" 21 And that little fish had been laying there for a half hour, with his entrails in its mouth, and its gills. I said, "Little fishy, Jesus Christ gives you back your life. Live, in the Name of Jesus Christ." Flipped over on his back, and down through the water he went as hard as he could go. 22 Brother Lyle, are you here somewhere? I—I seen you last night. Whether he's inside, outside, or where he's at, raise your hand if I can see you. [Someone in congregation says, "Balcony"—Ed.] What say? In the bal-… Oh, yes, way up in the balcony, through the windows back there. That's the man, a Jehovah Witness. 23 He said, "Brother Branham!" He was all excited, he said, "Uh, it's—it's good to be here. Isn't it?" He said, "Uh-uh, do you—do you… Uh, do you think that meant me, that—that—that, that I called that little fish, said, 'You had shot your last wad'?" Said, "That—that—that meant something for me?" 24 I said, "Nah, nah, just a confirmation." He was all upset about it. 25 Well, we travel along and you see those things happening, knowing… Now, just think, what was it to show? I had a-many little spastic child on my prayer list, praying for it, but when the vision come it was for a little ol' fish about so long, about two inches long or three. Looked like the hook was as big as the fish. But what it was, was to show you that God looks on the little things too. See?
   65-1127E - I Have Heard But Now I See
   Rev. William Marrion Branham

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

We are pardoned, free!

9 I know jokes are not proper in the pulpit, and especially in a Pentecostal assembly. But to make a point, I was told once that a young lady who had a father that was constantly weeping and shouting when he read it the Bible about his sins being pardoned… So the young girl got married, and moved into town, and belonged to a—a formal sort of a church with many societies. And—and the ladies' society was to be entertained in her house. And she wondered how she was going to keep her daddy quiet during this time, because he got really emotional. So she said, "Well, if I give him the Bible, he will cry and shout all the time. So there's only one thing that I know to do. I'll just give him the Geography and put him up in the attic, just let him look at the pictures." 

10 And about time they got ready to serve their pink tea, or whatever they do, you know, there was the awfulest commotion upstairs, screaming, and jumping, and rolling around, and bouncing up and down, and screaming, "Hallelujah. Hallelujah." All the women got scared, and they run upstairs, and she jerked the Geography out of his hand, and said, "Daddy, that's not the Bible. That's the Geography." He said, "I know it." But said, "The other day I was reading in the Bible where my sins, being pardoned, was put in the sea of forgetfulness (See?), buried into the sea. And I see here in the Geography where the sea is so deep, till they can't even find the bottom of it sometimes." Said, "They're still going on and on." 

11 So I think that's what pardon means: is completely erased, not just turn aside, and give something a try; but it's erased. It's gone, not turned aside, but it has been… We have… Through pardon, we are released, not by psychology. We're not released by a creed. We're not released by emotion. But we are released through the power of Calvary. We are pardoned, free. Oh, what it means to be free, a burden off your shoulders, out of your heart, a free person.

62-1124E - All Things
Rev. William Marrion Branham

Monday, 16 November 2015


Jesus has a table spread,
Where the saints of God are fed,
He invites His chosen people, “Come and dine”

John 21:12  (KJV) 
Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine. And none of the disciples durst ask him, Who art thou? knowing that it was the Lord.


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Thursday, 12 November 2015

Interview of Sister Bruce

Preached on Sunday morning, 5th July 1964 in Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S.A.

E-1 [The following is a personal interview Brother Branham had with Sister Bruce during the song service preceding the Message, "Masterpiece." He refers to this interview (while preaching), in paragraph 57 of "The Masterpiece"--Ed.]
...?... I visit you in the hospital that...?... I prayed constantly God wouldn't let you die, 'cause you're a value to the church. Now, I know you. I know you're going to be all right, Sister Bruce. I believe that with all my heart.

[Sister Bruce says, "Brother Branham, most of all, I want the experience that I been sealed in the Holy Ghost. And if God will reveal it to your heart..."]
I believe, with all my heart that you are a real borned again believer, Sister Bruce. How could that Spirit be...?... when you get sick you get weary. And you're a nervous-type person.

[Sister Bruce says, "Yes."]
And--and you get things on your mind (See?), little bitty things. It just keeps building up both ways. You'll get somebody on your heart you want to pray for them, get up and pray for them. You can't rest till you get that person prayed for. That's you.
Then take it on the other side. Satan maybe might present something that you... And not this way. See? That you... The--the God... You--you're a nature. And God works. And Satan works. Then when Satan tries to make you believe that you're not... See? You keep building this, "Maybe this might..." See? Don't look at yourself, Sister Bruce. Remember.

E-2 I'm fixing to pray for you. I'm not worthy of that. I think, "What would I do if Jesus Christ was setting here now?" and, well, "what would He do if He was setting here?" He'd lay His hands upon you and with His great faith (See?), you'd get well.
Well now, I think, "Well, I'm a sinner; I'm not Him." But I come to represent Him. Must, remember, me being a sinner and before God, I'm not a sinner, neither are you; we got a Blood Sacrifice laying there. God don't even see us. He hears our voice, but He sees the Blood of Christ. That's it. See? He sees the Blood of His Own Son. It's our voice, Christ's Blood, and it's Christ that's talking through us to God; so therefore, we're not sinners no more. We are Christians. I believe you to be a genuine Christian woman.

E-3 I remember the thing...  

[Sister Bruce says, "I make so many mistakes, and I fail so many times."--Ed.]
That's why Christ had to die, so that you with your mistakes wouldn't be 'lotted to you. See? He took your mistakes. Your desire in your heart is to serve Him.  

[Sister Bruce says, "Yes."]
All right. That's what He died for, so that you could serve Him. See? Not... Your mistakes are not looked--not allotted to you. See? He is your Propitiation. See? He is your Sin-offering. Your sins are not known. You're not a sinner before God. Christ took your sins and became you, 'cause your desire is to serve Him.

E-4  [Sister Bruce says, "But I've never had an experience that I have been filled with the Holy Ghost, that I could put my foot on."]
All right. Notice this. Ordinarily, a human being is born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies. That's the nature of a human being. 

[Sister Bruce says, "Yes."]
That was your nature. It change once. But what changed it?  


There you are, sister. See? That's it.
"He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Eternal Life, and shall not come to the judgment; but hath (past tense) passed from death to Life." Saint John 5:24, Jesus speaking. See?
So you--you're--you're a Christian, Sister Bruce. I've watched your life. I've watched you under vision, and I know you're a Christian. See? Not one speck of... See, I am your shepherd, as it was...  

[Sister Bruce says, "Yes."] 

Somebody's got to be. See? If there was any doubt in my mind, if I thought you was--something was wrong, I'd tell you, Sister Bruce.

[I believe that."]
But if there's anything wrong in your experience, anything wrong between you and God, as far as I know anything about it, Sister Bruce (See?) there's not one. We're going to pray.

E-5 [Sister Bruce says, "'Course, I'm going to die unless God undertakes for my heart."]
You're not going to die, I don't think, Sister Bruce. If it is, it's hid from me.
Dear God, this little woman has constantly, constantly done good. She has tried, like Dorcas of old. And now, she's getting to this time of her heart's very bad. But did not Your Word that we put our whole soul and life in, say, that all things will work together for good to them that loves You? Then it must be that You're working something that we know nothing about. It's all for the good, for she loves You.
Now, to the great Shepherd over all of us, the Lord Jesus Christ, and in His Name, I lay my hands upon my sister. May the God Who made her and brought her to this earth, may His Spirit that sealed her away from the things of the world to be Your servant, may It heal her sick body and make her completely well, for we need her in the service, Lord. I commit her to You with this prayer of faith, my hands laying upon her to identify myself with the prayer, and to say to this mountain, "In the Name of Jesus Christ, be moved," that our sister may live to the Kingdom of God and for the glory of God.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Lord, what would You have me do?

163 And be His subjects, we must walk close to the Author, to understand It, for It to reveal. "O Lord, what will Thou have to me, to do? If I must go to the fields and preach the Gospel, or must I stay at home? No matter what it is, if I must be a good housewife, if I must be a good mother, if I must do this, that, or the other? Whatever it is, if I must be a farmer, if I… Whatever it is, Lord, what would You have me do?" 

164 Wasn't that what Saul cried out down there, "Lord, what would You have me do?" He was down on the ch-… on his road down to—to put all the church into prison. But then he cried out, "What would You have me do?" When the Light turned on, as a big Pillar of Fire hanging above him. "What would You have me do?" 

165 Think, that's a good word to close on, and say, "Lord, what would You have me do? When I see this Scripture so perfectly revealed right now; Lord, what would You have me do?"

65-0822M - Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word
Rev. William Marrion Branham
163 And be His subjects, we must walk close to the Author, to understand It, for It to reveal. "O Lord, what will Thou have to me, to do? If I must go to the fields and preach the Gospel, or must I stay at home? No matter what it is, if I must be a good housewife, if I must be a good mother, if I must do this, that, or the other? Whatever it is, if I must be a farmer, if I… Whatever it is, Lord, what would You have me do?" 164 Wasn't that what Saul cried out down there, "Lord, what would You have me do?" He was down on the ch-… on his road down to—to put all the church into prison. But then he cried out, "What would You have me do?" When the Light turned on, as a big Pillar of Fire hanging above him. "What would You have me do?" 165 Think, that's a good word to close on, and say, "Lord, what would You have me do? When I see this Scripture so perfectly revealed right now; Lord, what would You have me do?"
   65-0822M - Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word
   Rev. William Marrion Branham
163 And be His subjects, we must walk close to the Author, to understand It, for It to reveal. "O Lord, what will Thou have to me, to do? If I must go to the fields and preach the Gospel, or must I stay at home? No matter what it is, if I must be a good housewife, if I must be a good mother, if I must do this, that, or the other? Whatever it is, if I must be a farmer, if I… Whatever it is, Lord, what would You have me do?" 164 Wasn't that what Saul cried out down there, "Lord, what would You have me do?" He was down on the ch-… on his road down to—to put all the church into prison. But then he cried out, "What would You have me do?" When the Light turned on, as a big Pillar of Fire hanging above him. "What would You have me do?" 165 Think, that's a good word to close on, and say, "Lord, what would You have me do? When I see this Scripture so perfectly revealed right now; Lord, what would You have me do?"
   65-0822M - Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word
   Rev. William Marrion Branham
163 And be His subjects, we must walk close to the Author, to understand It, for It to reveal. "O Lord, what will Thou have to me, to do? If I must go to the fields and preach the Gospel, or must I stay at home? No matter what it is, if I must be a good housewife, if I must be a good mother, if I must do this, that, or the other? Whatever it is, if I must be a farmer, if I… Whatever it is, Lord, what would You have me do?" 164 Wasn't that what Saul cried out down there, "Lord, what would You have me do?" He was down on the ch-… on his road down to—to put all the church into prison. But then he cried out, "What would You have me do?" When the Light turned on, as a big Pillar of Fire hanging above him. "What would You have me do?" 165 Think, that's a good word to close on, and say, "Lord, what would You have me do? When I see this Scripture so perfectly revealed right now; Lord, what would You have me do?"
   65-0822M - Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word
   Rev. William Marrion Branham
 what would You have me do?
   65-0822M - Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word
   Rev. William Marrion Branham
163 And be His subjects, we must walk close to the Author, to understand It, for It to reveal. "O Lord, what will Thou have to me, to do? If I must go to the fields and preach the Gospel, or must I stay at home? No matter what it is, if I must be a good housewife, if I must be a good mother, if I must do this, that, or the other? Whatever it is, if I must be a farmer, if I… Whatever it is, Lord, what would You have me do?" 164 Wasn't that what Saul cried out down there, "Lord, what would You have me do?" He was down on the ch-… on his road down to—to put all the church into prison. But then he cried out, "What would You have me do?" When the Light turned on, as a big Pillar of Fire hanging above him. "What would You have me do?" 165 Think, that's a good word to close on, and say, "Lord, what would You have me do? When I see this Scripture so perfectly revealed right now; Lord, what would You have me do?"
   65-0822M - Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word
   Rev. William Marrion Branham