Tuesday, 3 February 2015

By their fruit ...

Making The Valley Full Of Ditches_ 56-0728

Show me your company, I'll tell you who you are. Let me walk into your house. Let me see what's laying over on the table. Let me see how that Bible's marked up. Let me see where it's all "True Stories." Let me listen to what kind of music you're playing on your radio. Let me see what kind of pictures you got in your house. I'll tell you what you're made out of. Yes, sir. That's what your soul's a feeding on. Regardless of what your testimony is, your fruits prove what you are. That's right. Oh, it's the truth. Your soul feeds on something. And whatever the characteristic of your soul is, that's what it'll--it'll show forth. That's the reason Jesus said, "By their fruit you shall know them."


"Oh, isn't He wonderful? Now, now with our confession, our belief, our confession of our sins, believing that all of our sins is in the sea of forgetfulness. He that will confess his sins, God is just to omit them. See? They're in the sea of the Blood of Jesus Christ, never to be remembered no more. How many of you women know what BLEACH is? All of you. Now, let's just take a great big washtub full of Clorox, that's one bleach, a great big tubfull of Clorox. And then you're going to take a little eyedropper, and you got one drop of black ink in that eyedropper, that's your SINS. Stand right up over the tub, and squeeze it down, then look down in the tub and find it. What become of it? What become of the ink? When it struck that bleach, it was so powerful it just took the coloring right out of it, it can never be no more. What is it? It's gone, it's eternally lost. What is it? The INK itself becomes Clorox. That's the Blood of Jesus Christ to every CONFESSED sin. What is it? It's forgotten, it's DONE, it's finished, it's omitted, it's divorced, it's put AWAY. It can never be remembered against you no more." 

~William Branham (~ 62-0506 POSSESSING.ALL.THINGS)


"When a man is converted, his eyes are set towards Calvary. There's an enthusiasm rises with that birth, and sets the soul afire, and takes all the differences away, and the isms, and comes straight to Calvary and recognizes Christ, with a burning love and zeal for the lost and fallen world." 

(~William Marrion Branham, We Would See Jesus/ 57-0516)