Saturday, 12 July 2014

I didn't come to you with enticing words of man...


107 And when we lust for knowledge, want a Ph.D., LL.D., it's sin to do so. That's strong statements, but that's the Truth. No matter how strong it is, it's still the Truth, see. To lust for knowledge, understanding!
108 The thing of it is, is, today we don't try to establish the Word of God in the people's hearts. We are trying to establish ourselves. Churches are trying to establish the doctrine of the church, in a person's heart.
109 We are commanded to establish the Word of God. Paul said, "I didn't come to you with enticing words of man, that your faith might rest up in the knowledge of man; but I come to you in power; in manifestations of the Holy Ghost, that your faith might rest in God." There you are.

35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

What is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost?

The baptism of the Holy Ghost by a fleshly manifestation or experience is a Pentecostal denominational teaching of the last age, it is certainly not Message or Bible truth, and sadly some who have been raised under this teaching have tried to carry it over as a message of this hour.
The true baptism of the Holy Ghost in this hour does not come by a shiver or a shake, or shouting and rolling on the floor, or some other supernatural encounter regardless of how wonderful and true and even God given these experiences might be. Satan can impersonate all of these things.
One of the mysteries that has been revealed in this hour by the seventh Angel is the mystery of the baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation. 

1 PETER 1:23 says, Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
There is nothing greater and more life giving than the true word of God in the hour in which you live, the true baptism of the Holy Ghost is to receive the word for your day as revealed to you by the Holy Ghost himself. 

JOHN 16:13a Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth.

The doctrine that the serpent taught Eve in the Garden of Eden was that life comes through and by an experience of a sensation involving the flesh, an experience where one can know the time and the place and ‘LOOK BACK’ to the very moment of a fleshly experience when life was conceived. This sounds very true and wonderful to the carnal minded, but it was not Gods way of imparting life then, nor is it his way now.

Mary was chosen to bring forth the literal life of God himself into manifestation; if we study how God achieved this with Mary we will see how we must do the same in this hour.
Firstly God sends Mary an angel with a message, the message was the word of God for that season. At first Mary does not fully comprehend the message spoken by the angel yet in her heart she knew it was from God, she received the voice of the messenger by saying “Let it be unto me according to thy WORD.” After that the angel departed from her, the messenger left the scene, some time after that and without any sensation the life of God Himself began to grow within her.

Eve brought forth life by a "shiver" and a "shake" of a false word experience, it wasn’t Gods way, sure it brought forth life, but it was the wrong kind of life and it produced a hybrid to the word of God that ended in Death. Mary brought forth the true life of God the way God intended it should come, by his spoken word though an angels message and without sensation.
The true evidence of the Holy Ghost is not to be measured by experience, but by the Word that you receive, as Brother Branham said, the true evidence is those who can receive the word for their day, that is the true evidence according to Jesus Himself. He said, 

'JOHN 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth.'

Have a look at these quotes, that I have in my archives too:

Remember, the Holy Ghost in this hour is the person of the word which is Jesus Christ revealed personally to you through the voice of the seventh and last Angel (Rev. 10.7) shining light on the scriptures, a son of man (William Branham) revealing the son of man (Jesus Christ). Look at:

 Malachi 4:5-6, ‘Behold, I will send YOU (as with Mary) Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD, and he shall by his message (WORD) restore the faith (Holy Ghost) of us children to that of the original faith of our apostolic fathers’. 

I believe it. It's scriptural friends.
“The Spirit can come out here and anoint you to do certain things, and you do it, but that don't mean you're saved. But think of it. Caiaphas prophesied. Judas cast out devils. See, the Spirit anointed him. There's rain falls on the just and the unjust; the weeds can rejoice with the wheat. But it's what it is at the core. There's where you can, intellectuals can accept and say, "Oh, sure, that looks good. I believe that." That still don't do it. No, sir. And the spirit can actually make witness of it, and still it isn't so. Because if that soul hasn't come from God, it can make all the impersonations out here, but it cannot be real. You can act healing; you can act like you have. You can act like you receive it. Christians can act like they're Christians, and act and be ever so good at it, but that don't mean they're saved. That's exactly right. See? The Spirit can be there, the real genuine Spirit. The Holy Spirit can anoint you; that still don't mean you're saved. It's that inside soul that never dies; it's got Eternal Life. It always was Eternal Life. See? It come from God; it goes to God; it's the soul." 

"Church, that's the reason I can't take the Baptism of the Holy Ghost of crying, shaking, or speaking in tongues, or any sensation. They're all right now. See? Them--them things are all right, but the devil can impersonate that so real. But the Holy Ghost is Deity, God tabernacled in men. It's more than a sensation. It's more than speaking in tongues. It's more than shouting in the Spirit. It's more than weeping. It's more than joining church. It's God living in men, Deity, God Himself tabernacled into that person, when he can speak and it's just the same as God speaking; that's the Church of Jesus Christ."  

PARADOX.A.title CHICAGO.IL V-21 N-3 63-0801
"You might be able to try to say you have; you might be able to show some evidence of some emotion; but unless your life is vindicating what you're professing to have, you still haven't got It. No matter how many emotions, how much you jump, run, sensations, speaking in tongues, or shouting, or whatever you might lay it upon (which is all right, I believe in all that too.), but unless your life copes with your testimony, then you haven't got It. 'Cause the fruit of the Spirit vindicates what you are, just like the fruit of any tree tells what it is. Jesus said, "By their fruit you shall know them."

 No, they wouldn't stand to be called false Jesus. They wouldn't be--stand to call Jesus; certainly not. That's too plain. Anybody would know that. Anyone would know they wasn't Jesus. ..But they call themself the anointed, and they do signs and wonders almost to deceive the elected. But false christs, anointed ones, shall arise and shall deceive the elected if it were possible." And remember, Jesus never said that them guy's would appear. He said there'd appear false christs: christs, plural, “denominations” and so forth, anointed ones, anointed with a denominational spirit and not the Word. You follow it? Not false Jesus, false christs, false anointed ones. See? 


Thursday, 10 July 2014

Unequally yoked...?

Hebrews, Chapter 7, Part One - 09/15/57
What a blessed privilege that man has that challenge to follow the Lord Jesus, to separate himself from all his carnal associates to follow the Lord. And if any person seems not to behave themself rightly and to present themselves as Christians but love the carnal things, it's best for you to hunt another partner right away. That's right. And if no one will walk with you, there's One Who promised to walk with you: that's the blessed Lord Jesus. He will walk with you.

Questions And Answers - 01/03/54e
The world's got to get in the spirit of the last days before the last days can come, and we're in the spirit of the last days. And God's promised that these things would be here, and that's what we've got. We're in the last days. And men and women are setting asleep and don't realize it.

And the morals - I met a young boy here the other day - Oh, it was sometime ago; it was this last fall. And we were coming into a city. And he was telling me, a young high school boy that was married. He said, "I married this girl, 'cause she was a good girl, and had to marry her before she completed high school." Said, "We haven't had a one turned out a virgin, as far as I know in high school for years around here." See? Just so demoralized...

2nd. Corinthians 6:14-18

14. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

15. And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

16. And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in [them]; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

17. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you,

18. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

Hebrews, Chapter 7, Part Two - 09/22/57
.....Men see some little Jezebel all painted up, you know, and he'll go around fall for her, maybe you got a good wife. And then you call yourself a Christian. Shame on you. You need another dose of the altar. That's right. And some of you women look around at some little old guy with his hair slicked down, enough Vaseline on it to open his mouth.

.....There's fine boys here, Christian boys. A long time ago, when I was pastor here, we used to have just young men's classes. And I'd speak to the young women on Sunday afternoon about sex and things, then the next Sunday afternoon speak to the young men, and try to get those things curbed out.

Some little old girl started going with some little old shrimp downtown here, smoked cigarettes, and had a flask in his pocket, and he drove a little roadster car around town. I couldn't see what she seen in that boy. He wouldn't come to church. He'd set out there, put her in church out here, and then he'd set out there on the outside in his car and wait, wouldn't come in church. She lived in New Albany.

I said, ".....What in the world do you see in that boy? .....he hates the very religion that you have. He despises your Christ. He'd never make you a husband; he'd make you miserable all your life." And I said, "Why, there's fine little Christian boys here that you could go with... Your daddy and mother despises the thoughts of you going out. But you go anyhow, and you think, 'I'm sweet sixteen.'"

She started wearing makeup and running out, and first thing she was in roadhouses. She's gone on to eternity now. ...and You know what the excuse that girl give me back there that she loved that boy? She said, "He's got such cute little feet and he smells so good." Could you imagine that? Perfuming himself up, that's a sissy, not a man.

"Look," I said, "Sister, I'd rather go with a Christian boy that had feet like gravel cars and smelled like a polecat, if he was absolutely a Christian." That's right. True. Yeah, that's excuse, "Such cute little feet and smells so good." The little roadhouse runner finally ruined the life of the girl. It's a shame, disgraceful.

The Serpent Seed - 09/28/58E
Adam had done named all of the creation, everything else. But he wasn't nothing for himself, so He made Him a helpmate: took a rib from his side, closed up the gash, and made a helpmate to him. And man in his spirit was both man and woman. And "a" woman is just a part of "a" man. And when a man takes to himself a wife, and if she's correctly his wife, a God-given wife, she'll be just to him as part of him.

That's the reason you have so many scruples in the marriage. Is because you go out and see some girl with pretty brown eyes, or blue eyes, or something like that, some pretty figure, and you fall for her. First time she has her first baby them teeth comes out, and she gets wrinkled and old, and then you want to kick her out.

And some of you women find some little boy with his hair slicked down, his mammy's lard can half dumped on it, and curly; it'll all fall out. I know that by experience. But what happens? What is it? You fall for that. You ought to pray first, 'cause a woman is part of you.

And if you've embraced a woman to your bosom, and taken her for your wife, and she makes an imprint on you... (We'll say it like this so you'll understand) and any other woman against that bosom won't fit that print. And God will hold you responsible for it. You just remember that.