Friday, 18 April 2014

A Prophet?

A Prophet?

You've maybe heard me talking of a prophet and a Message of this Hour. What's that?

In the Bible, God always brought His Message to the people of the world through the prophet of the age. He spoke to Moses through a burning bush and gave him the commission to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt. The visible Pillar of Fire and other signs were given to vindicate his ministry. John the Baptist brought a Message preparing the world for the coming Messiah. While baptizing the Lord Jesus in the Jordan River, a Voice from Heaven confirmed John’s commission to introduce the Lamb of God, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Years later, the Lord’s Voice was again heard speaking to a prophet when He spoke to Paul through a blinding Light, and later gave him the commission to set the churches in order. Throughout the New and Old Testaments, God has never spoken to His people through a denominational system or a religious organization. He has always spoken to the people through one man: His prophet. And He vindicated these prophets through supernatural signs.

But what about today? Does God still reveal His Word to the prophets? Are there still supernatural signs? Would God send a modern-day prophet into the world? The answer is a most definite, “Yes!”
But how will we know when a prophet arises? What will he look like? How will he act? What sign will he give us? What Scriptures will he fulfill?

Visit and to learn more.

Thursday, 17 April 2014



71 Now we see that the church refused to accept God's Word to rule over them, and accepted Barabbas instead. Now, if you want the Scripture on that, it's Matthew 27:15 to 23. What did this do? What position did this do? Now think of it. When the church world, in its organized life of righteous, holy men, as they thought they were, and were in the eyes of the people, they crucified Jesus, and said, "We'll not have this Man rule over us." And Jesus was the fullness of the Word of God. First John 1, expresses it. And they said, "We'll not have this Word of God to rule over us." Yet, He was the Word, but their eyes were blinded to what He was. For He was the direct answer to every prophecy that was to come to pass in Him.
Now, we all believe that, because we're looking back to see it happen. But if the world would, that is now, this present evil age, that would have been back there at that time, they would do the same thing they're doing today, because it's still the same Word, for this age, being manifested. He'll do it. They can't do nothing else. "They are children of disobedience." "Given a strong delusion, to believe a lie, and be damned by it."


Blood Moon?

So on 14-15th Feb., we saw a Blood Moon?

Scriptural Quotes;

God Said he will use the Stars and planets for signs and season.

Gen 1:14

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Joel 2:31

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD comes.

Acts 2:20-22

20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come:
21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be SAVED.

Message Quote:

"Apply the Token, then walk with It. Claim your household. You must do it now. This is evening time. Now, you’ve been listening a long time, now this is the evening time. It’s applying time now. The wrath will strike, one of these days, it might be too late then. See? Apply the Token, with confidence."

63-0901M – “Token”

Rev. William Marrion Branham (WWW.BRANHAM.ORG)

Let us;
-          Call on Jesus Christ in the sincerity and soberness of a dying man in his final words and fleeting breath.
-          Let him know he is YOUR ONLY HOPE and this is a cry of a Soul asking for help from the creator of Souls.
-          As him for mercy and forgiveness and for help in this time of trouble.