Monday, 25 November 2013

Just as Abraham purchased the land with his own shekels...

18-1 Did you notice how Abraham, when they tried to give him the land, he bought it with so many shekels of silver before the people as a ensign, as a witness: "Let it be known this day that I've bought this burying place." See? Purchase it. And Satan tried to--to give Him the kingdom which belongs to him now. He tried to give it to Him as a gift, but He wouldn't receive it 'cause it's... See, then Satan could still have claim on it. But, it had to be bought. Amen. He was the Word in the fullness thereof. They couldn't deceive Him in it.
18-2 Then it is now to get a baptism of Fire. See, it has now... What happened? Christ came and called the Church to repentance, baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission, sanctified the Church, and with the Fire of God come down and burn out all the filth and come and dwells in the human heart.
18-3 Now, the world, to be redeemed for this redeemed person, He uses His same method. He baptized it in water after the antediluvian destruction, shed His Blood upon it to sanctify it and claim it. It's His.
Satan tried to say, "I'll give it to you."
He said, "No, sir, I'll buy it." Let it be a witness. He was lifted up for an ensign--that He bought it; He purchased it. But now it has to go through a baptism of fire, holy fire from God which cleanses the earth and the heavens around it. Then it's purchased so that the redeemed can live on it--live in it in peace.

 Adapted from Bro. Branham's: The future home of the Heavenly Bridegroom and the Earthly Bride (64-0802)