Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Choosing Of A Bride (65-0429E)

6-4 You have also a choice whether... When you choose this church, you can choose whether you, in this church whether you choose a church that will guide you to your eternal destination. You can choose a church that has a certain creed, that you might think that creed's just what you want; or the other church has their creed. And then there is the Word of God you have a choice of. You have to make your choice. There's an unwritten law among us of choosing.
I believe it was Elijah one time upon Mount Carmel, after the showdown in a great hour of the crisis, that we're just about to come to right now. Perhaps it may be to you or I tonight, that we make this choice like the Mount Carmel experience. Frankly, I think it's going on worldwide now.


Life Story Of William Branham - 08/20/50a
And notice this one thing now. Later on down through life, I had girlfriends like all boys. And I remember I was a little skeptic of girls; I seen the way women act. And frankly, I never did have very much use for women. I don't mean you sisters, now, but just to see how untrue they were, some of them.
Life Story Of William Branham - 08/20/50a
And I said I'd never get married; never want nothing to do with one [women]. I'll be a trapper and a hunter all my life, and I'll never have nothing with the girl. When I was even seventeen, eighteen years old, I'd pass down the street. I'd see a girl on one side, and I thought she was going say something, I'd cross over and go over on the other side, because I just didn't want nothing to do. That's all, didn't want to hook up - caught up with it or anything, I wanted to keep away from it. And so I went ahead. But finally I found a girl that was a real girl. She was a Christian. She afterwards become my wife.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Friday, 16 August 2013

What this dying world needs...

  • What this dying world could use is a
    willing Man of God
    Who dares to go against the grain and
    works without applause;
    A man who'll raise the shield of Faith,
    protecting what is pure;
    Whose love is tough and gentle; a man
    whose word is sure.
    God doesn't need an Orator who knows
    what just to say;
    He doesn't need authorities to reason Him
    He doesn't need an army to guarantee a
    He just needs a Few Good Men.
    Men full of Compassion, who Laugh and
    Love and Cry-
    Men who'll face Eternity and aren't afraid
    to die-
    Men who'll fight for Freedom and Honor
    once again-
    He just needs a Few Good Men.
    He calls the broken derelict whose life has
    been renewed;
    He calls the one who has the strength to
    stand up for the Truth.
    Enlistment lines are open and He wants
    you to come in-
    He just needs a Few Good Men.
    Men full of Compassion, who Laugh and
    Love and Cry-
    Men who'll face Eternity and aren't afraid
    to die-
    Men who'll fight for Freedom and Honor
    once again-
    He just needs a Few Good Men.
    Men full of Compassion, who Laugh and
    Love and Cry-
    Men who'll face Eternity and aren't afraid
    to die-
    Men who'll fight for Freedom and Honor
    once again-
    He just needs a Few Good Men