Sunday, 7 April 2013

God takes one out of the million

33-1 That's the reason I've said what I have tonight. I want to ask you a question: Is it later that we think? Could she already be called, and chosen, sealed away? There won't be one extra one, you know. Could it be possible? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Remember what I said the other day at the breakfast? In the pollen of breeding male and female, there's a million germs goes forth, million eggs goes forth, but there's only one of them live, and yet they're every one just alike: one out of a million. Every one of them the same egg and the same kind of germ, one of them lives; the rest of them dies. No one can tell which is the one that's the ripe egg and what about it. God has to decide that. Whether it's going to be a boy or girl, blond or brunette, or whatever it's going to be; God decides that. Not the first one meets, but the first one God's decided. Maybe one come up here, and one... If you ever noticed in a test tube to see them come together. I've watched it. God has to decide that. One... Every one of them just alike, but by election. The natural birth is by election. God takes one out of the million.
33-2 When Israel left Egypt on their road to the promised land, there were approximately two million people. Every one of them was under the same sacrificial lamb, or they wouldn't have lived. Every one of them listened to Moses the prophet. Every one of them was baptized to him in the Red Sea. Every one of them danced, the women with Miriam up and down the side of the--when the seashore when God destroyed the enemy. Every one of them stood with Moses, and he heard him sing in the Spirit. They every one eat manna out of the wilderness that dropped down from heaven: new manna every night, which is a type of the message. Every one of them eat from it. But out of the two million, how many made it? Two: one out of a million.
There's approximately five hundred million Christians in the world tonight counting Catholic and all: five hundred million so-called believers in the world. If the rapture come tonight, that would mean, if one out of a million was a count (I don't say it is.) but if it was, five hundred people in the next twenty-four hours would be missing. You'd never even hear of it. There'll be that many missing anyhow that can't even be counted for.

The choosing of a Bride (65-0429E)

God choose by character.

28-2 I remember one time a prophet went up to--to take a king, to make a king out of Jesse's sons to take another king's place: Saul. And so Jesse brought him out, and he was a great, big, fine boy and said, "The crown will look right on his head."
And the prophet went to pour the oil on him; he said, "God's refused him." And He refused every one of them till he come to a little old stoop-shouldered, ruddy looking fellow, and he poured the oil upon him, and he said, "God chose him." See, we choose by sight. God choose by character.
Character, there never was a Character like Jesus Christ. It lives in Him, manifests in. We see it true. It's not worldly beauty of Him that attracts His Bride; it is His character, the character of the church that Jesus looks for; not whether it's big buildings; whether it's great denominations; whether it's big membership. He promised to meet with wherever two or three are gathered together. Truly. That's where the true believer rests his hopes, is upon that Word of God being vindicated in truth, what it is. Choose by His Word. Not a worldly loving group, they hate that. No wonder she is divorced from Him, because she's missed His revelation, and she don't have it. He cares not for her, the way she acts and does, and how much of this worldly stuff she has; He's looking for her character, the character of Christ.

 The choosing of a Bride (65-0429E)

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


This reminds me of a little story I heard one time of a little boy. A minister was coming up a lane, and he heard a little boy over in a corner saying the alphabet, "A, B, C, D," and he listened at him. He had his hands up toward heaven. He said... After he got through with that, he raised up, put his hat on.
And said, "Son..."
Turned around and looked.
Said, "I'm a minister. I heard you on your knees, holding up your hands, saying the alphabet."
He said, "Sir," he said, "I was raised in a Christian home. Father and mother was both killed suddenly. I was taken out." Said, "The man that I'm living with is so cruel to me," said, "I was just praying for him. I don't know how to pray." He said, "I was just saying all the alphabet, and thought maybe God would understand how to put it together." WOW , ISN'T THAT SO WOOOOW??